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~Levi's POV~
I looked at him with a burning passion, my dreams, my (y/n), walked out of my life all because of him and his outrageous eyebrows. He was still watching the hall, like she'd come back into our pathetic little lives. This girl, she doesn't come back she keeps looking forward leaving hell and heartbreak in her strides. But she had come back for me, and I had spoiled it. It was like losing Isabel and Farlen again, and I was angry.

~Erwin's POV~
She disobeyed my order? No one has ever had the defiance to walk away from my commands. Erwin shut it you have more important things to worry about. Like the fact you just let her walk away. I stood staring down the corridor, I felt Levi's anger, his emotions. And it's safe to say I felt the same way. Why did I even bring her in the first place? Was it for my own selfish desires? Or was it a reminder to torment and motivate Levi? My reasoning was lost, my mind in a scramble. I had to go back after her, and I knew Levi was thinking the same.

~Erwin & Levi's POV~
I have to get this girl back.
My girl.

~(y/n)'s POV~
I walked away from the two men, my mind drifting to other things. I still have to keep my title fresh in the underground. The duchess is now a lone wolf, and a deadly one at that. My anger seeped through my chest, Levi was healthy and some what happy so he's fine here, better here even. But I was angry, angry he was doing better without me. Erwin confused me, making him more of a challenge. But I figured it out, he was lonely, and sad, he regrets the sacrifices he's had to make not only with other humans lives but inside the walls as well. But he's commander, and commanders don't show regret if they want respect. I passed through the canteen, curious and hungry eyes watched me. I slid off my uniform coat and threw it on the table. "Tell commander Erwin, and captain Levi they might be needing this back." I flung the door open and took a deep breath, turning around I saw all the trainees and squad leaders looking at me with disbelief. "Good luck cadets" I smirked "you'll need it." And with that I turned and made my way to the stables. I didn't make it half way before I heard the door slam. And I knew which too idiots caused it.

I come back to this and it makes me so happy thank you so much everyone. I'm now on summer break and done with my travels so I'll be updating more if you want. Otherwise I may close this story if you want (:

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