17: A Bad Sign

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(A/N: Dedicated to lumi183 , Im gonna do random dedications from now on. Just like that, can be anyone anytime :) Well since Im using my phone, I cant actually dedicate so consider this as a dedication okieeee ?😁😍 )___________________________________________

Nora's Pov

Something was not right. I did feel the Princess's presence earlier, I felt she was so close, like really close so how come we couldnt find her. Why did I have the feeling that we missed something? We continued riding on our horses searching for our beautiful Princess in hopes that she would be somewhere safe and away from enemies.

But like the Queen, we all know that the Princess didn't know who was the enemy and who was an allie. That was what we all were worried and my visions about her, scared me more as I couldn't see her future, it was weird like a white empty cloud about her, nothing was predictable . I couldn't even tell whether it was good news or not.

"Nora? Do you see anything?"Sir Niall asked me as he was on his horse on my right and King Zayn of the Moonland Kingdom was on my left so I was in the middle with the army behind us.

"I just see a vision about the Princess , the same I told the Queen long back but there's something weird about it"I said and even King Zayn turned to listen as he also was very concerned about the Princess, his soon to be wife as soon as we find her. Still I had to say this ... he was extremely undeniably handsome.

Princess Katherine, how could you say no to him?

Well I can try my chance

Pfff no way. I was no queen or no princess to marry such a King! I was just a loyal noble fortune teller of the Queen of Vampiria and that was all I will ever be. Plus King Zayn wouldnt like me ever, he had his eyes fixed on Princess Katherine even if he knew she didnt love him back.

"And what is weird about it?"King Zayn asked me and I suddently like a tingly feeling on my stomach , oh oh now this was bad. Stop it Nora. King Zayn was for the Princess Katherine and only her.

"The vision's getting blurry and its hard to see...that's it...I cant see anything of the Princess's future, this is bad"I said panicking a little, I could have visions of each and every little creature of the world whether human, vampire even plants and animals, anything so losing the future of our Princess was not a good sign. Not at all. My biggest fear was...

"Define bad"Niall said worringly, you could see it from his rigid body becoming more pale and his face more frozen out of fear and worry. Of coure the whole kingdom knew how close he was to the Princess, from childhood they were the bestfriends practically brother and sister.

"If I cant see someone's future it only means that they might be..."I said and struggled to say that word because I didnt want it to be true. For the Queen, her pain and grief would be the biggest than anyone that has ever been hurt.

"No dont say it. The Princess is and will be fine, she's out there somewhere escaping from her destiny, nobody should give up here, we will find her and once we do, she's gonna be Queen Katherine of The Moonland kingdom with me"Zayn said confidently but tensed also as he was like me hoping that my thoughts were wrong about his promised to be bride.

"I wish I had your optimism King Zayn"I mumbled but I was sure he earr me as I was close to him on my horse. He only showed me a normal yet attractive smile. Enough Nora, dont want to disappoint your Queen...and Princess as well. We continued searching around in hopes that somehow our lost princess would be found, brought back to Vampiria, marry her to crown her a Queen of our allie kingdom.

All of a sudden, I made my horse stop moving as I started to get another vision or I didnt know if vision was the right thing to say, if it was the right word to use as what I was seeing in my head was unbelievable, unexpected.

Nora's vision

"Mother please don't...please...please...stop them"I watched our beautiful Princess Katherine in tears as she was scared to death and tried to convince her Mother for something, the place was the court, all assembled to witness a dead penalty of someone. Someone who has done something very wrong!

"You're lucky he didnt hurt you...yet...what did you think Katherine? He's our enemie, couldnt you see it from his eyes? Why should I let him live huh?"The Queen told her daughter who cried harder with angry tears , her words was the most shocking ever.

"You know nothing about him and his intentions. I love him and he loves me, he would never hurt me, he has never done it and never will. If you want to kill him, kill me first"Princess cried looking straight at her Mother angrily like she meant every word, the Queen gasped in shock as she didnt expect her daughter to say those words.

End Of Vision

This was why we had to absolutely find the Princess and bring her back to Vampiria before an enemie find her first and make her fall in love with him.

Or we lose her forever.

If only I could see her future again. It would be more rassuring knowing she would be alive. But again, it was once more blank, the Princess's future was blank, I couldnt see a thing.

"Nora?"King Zayn called me so I diverted from my thoughts and watched him from distance.

"Keep searching King Zayn, we have to find her before any red eyes do"I said as my horse galloped faster to join Sir Niall and King Zayn as we continued searching around.

"Red eyes? You think the Princess would actually listen to them? I trained her and I know she knows very well to defend herself"Sir Niall said and I sighed not willing to tell them my new vision or whatever I saw.

"The Princess doesnt know who is enemie and allie, thats what scares all of us especially The Queen. Come on we ride non stop till we find her"I said and he nodded worringly as we continued on our horses.

Please Princess, come back to us. Please make my visions wrong, for your own good.

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