26: Princess Katherine Of Volterra

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Katherine's Pov

I felt so proud of myself that I managed to control my useless hormones amd emotions towards a very very undeniably handsome red eyed vampire(even if I didnt care) especially when we were sharing the same bed without anything between us.

A red eyed vampire that I was in love with.

What? No!

Enough denying!

Not denying anything!


Harry went out of the room saying that he was needed somewhere in the castle so I was alone like a good girl locked in his room as it was my only safe place in this kingdom as I was a yellow eyed. Being alone in a room was boring, being in someone else's room was even more boring because there was restrictions and ways to behave, especially for me because he shouldnt notice anything about me like my powers, my real identity. He still believed I was from the lost kingdom of Imperia and hiding the real me from him was like stabbing me with a stake amd burning my body after. Yeah that was what I felt. Will he even like me if he knew? Will we be the same as we were now?

I really didn't know what to do, what to teven think about anything and everything around me. Maybe I could practise my powers with the Force to make me stronger, remember what Mother told me, I had to combine all the elements for something like an energy ball so powerful it could bring every enemie down. Now that I knew all powers perfectly, it was high time for me to combine . Harry and Liam taught me even more to master the fire element so nobody could drag me down.

Yeah I could do that now.

I remembered every words Niall told me when he was training me, aww man I missed him so so so much, Niall wherever you may be, I hope you will be fine, no trouble.

Niall told me to respect Nature, Water, Wind and control the fire and not letting it control me so I sat up straight at the end of the bed, closing my eyes to concentrate more deeply, I brought my hands to my chest like almost touching as if I was engulfing empty space. First it was a tiny spark that formed which made me jump as it stung slightly.

Try again Katherine

I focused one more time and this time a medium size white energy ball formed between my hands that was now shaking. Woah I did it but I couldnt throw it anywhere, it would break anything, probably even the wall and I will be screwed. Hey an idea! I ran to the window and threw it upwards in the dark sky in hopes noone would notice and suspect it was me. My timing was exact as the door swung open to reveal no not Harry but Louis, not a pleased Louis at all as he looked at me up and down.

"Tell me where you're really from Princess!"Louis asked me angrily and I gulped. His tone was like as if something happened, did he know something? Please no.

"Imperia."I lied to him and he walked closer to me to grab my wrist harshly as he took me with him out of Harry's room.

"We'll see about that. I thought Moonland and Imperia never got along even if they were both yellow eyed kingdoms"Louis said and I was confused why was he bringing up Moonland suddently? I did have a teacher but he didnt teach me about who was allie and enemie, he just taught red eyed enemie and yellow allie that was it.

"Where are you taking me?"I asked him trying to stay calm.

"Someone claiming to know you, I want to check. Whatever you're planning yellow princess, not working!"Louis said meanly and before I could say anything, I was interrupted by another voice, a voice that made my unbeating heart melt.

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