36: Feel Like Home

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Katherine's Pov

Pain but not the dangerous pain that led to sufferiing. The kind of pain that I felt few minutes ago turned into pleasure right away and I actually wanted more of it, like I was addicted like a drug. Harry's drug.

Harry marked me.

I was really glad that it was him and not anyone else.

I didnt know it would feel so good as intoxicating as it was. Now it was clear that Harry and I will be together forever and nothing and noone can stop us, whoever tried, will pay the price. Get that Mother? Zayn? There's nothing you can. My heart's with Harry and him alone.

Last night was the night I have never felt so alive, so happy, so in love, so myself with the love of my life whom I knew loved me as much. I didnt care that our love making was in the dungeon, it didnt matter, what mattered was that I love Harry and he loves me, end of story. We didnt need a special place or a special time to have the best time of our lives for anything, we just needed together.

I woke up still eyes closed but frowned when I realised Harry wasnt on top of me like how he collapsed on my chest last night, means that he got up but in a cell he couldnt go anywhere. Right?

"Harry?"I called him softly hoping to hear his deep sleepy voice next to me but to my disappointment, no sound. What? Now I opened my eyes worried, I was the only one in the cell, all naked under the thin white sheet on the bed and no Harry seen. Where did he go? Hope he didnt get into trouble? Zayn better not try anything to hurt him.

I bent to pick my torn dress to put it on but before I could do so, I was interrupted by the door opening and closing again, I relaxed seeing the person standing there smirking at me. Harry.

"Morning beautiful, I got you another dress instead of the torn one"Harry said as he approached to sit by my side with the white clothing in his hands to give it to me

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"Morning beautiful, I got you another dress instead of the torn one"Harry said as he approached to sit by my side with the white clothing in his hands to give it to me. I recognised it was my dress, how did he get it? I hope he didnt get caught by someone? But that was sweet of him to give me another dress.

"H-H-How did you get it? Did You get caught? Mother saw you? Did Zay--"I started to ask him questions nervously but he cut me off by pressing his lips on mine passiobately and I kissed him back. I could kiss his perfect lips forever, He was Perfect!

"Relax Kat! Nobody caught me, I faked that I wanted to use the toilet so I took the chance to run full speed till your room to get you a new dress since you cant put that torn dress again, noone saw me"He said grinning and for few seconds I was blank and smiled widely at him.

See? He's Perfect!

"You're the best"I said putting my arm aroubd hus shoulder and leaned  in for another kiss, I loved his lips!

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