Chapter Six

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Meanwhile up in the box.

"I am extremely excited. I have wanted to watch this for some time now but of course no one would accompany me. Thank you again Prudence."

"You must stop thanking us my dear. I am sure Morris is as glad as I am with your company tonight."

"Do you think Kean would perform his role as Shylock as he did in 1814?"

"Yes of course, he is talented. Remind me why we didn't come watch the play when it was performed first?"

"I do believe that Renditia had claimed a fever, and you absolutely had to be in the country for some odd reason during the middle of the season, and while Elizabeth was more than happy to oblige, we had no chaperone. Andrew profoundly refused the idea of stepping foot into the theatre."
"Elizabeth was absolutely right," Prudence said suddenly.

"About what?"
"That your memory is that of an Elephant's," Prudence announced.

"Prudence, I cannot believe you just said that. I certainly don't in anyway resemble any mammal much less an elephant," Ophelia objected but knowing her friend was only joking, took no offence and continued, "what changed your opinion of theatres? How is it that you didn't have another emergency requiring your presence in the country this time?"
Prudence was not about to reveal her true reason for attending tonight and so said instead, "Oh look Morris caught up with Andrew."
Ophelia was used to Prudence's digressions and so she chose to focus on the other subject, the mysterious presence of Andrew in the theatre, "Do you think he is looking for Elizabeth?"
"I think he is here for another reason altogether," answered Prudence.

"He seems like he is lost though. Which can only be understood knowing that he has never stepped foot in the theatre."
"That is true of course but wait his expression just changed," Prudence commented moving closer to the edge of the overlooking balcony.

"Lend me your opera glasses so that I can see more clearly," Ophelia said grabbing the glasses from Prudence's hands, "He is indeed upset but look your husband seems to be laughing so I'm sure it is nothing of importance. They are coming to the box," Ophelia said as she straightened her posture and checked that her lilac dress was still wrinkle-free. She felt good that she was wearing this dress tonight. Her favourite colour to her favourite play, that's how she thought of it.

"Look who I found lost in the crowds?" Morris said moving aside to let Andrew step into the box.

"Good evening ladies."
"Hello to you dearest Andrew, what brought you here tonight?" Prudence said innocently.
"I heard of this performance even before I left to Spain and since the opportunity presented itself, I thought to come."
"Hmm that is strange knowing that you detest theatres and even once announced that you preferred cleaning," Prudence said thumping her jaw with her forefinger and turned to Ophelia, "what was it Ophelia?"
"The stables I believe," Ophelia spoke for the first time since the men had come in.
It was then that he noticed Ophelia, she looked different tonight. Her purple dress was very simple and elegant yet she was radiant. He wondered whether it was only his mind playing tricks on him or she had done something different, but he was fairly certain it wasn't the latter.
Morris thought to intervene because he owed his friend as much, and he saw that Andrew was rather occupied with a completely different matter than answering the girls even though his wonderings surely had to do with his reason for coming here tonight. "Ladies leave the gentleman alone, he sure will never consider coming here again and anyway the play is going to start," he said leading his wife to her seat and managed to stand in front of his seat blocking the path to the two seats next to them forcing Ophelia and Andrew to sit next to each other a bit farther to the right, as if in a private box of their own.
No one chose to comment about the seating arrangements since; Prudence was planning to do the same herself, Andrew was actually glad he had such an opportunity but had a gut feeling that Morris had planned this and of course Ophelia had barely noticed since she was too occupied with the happenings on the stage.

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