Chapter 1

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Long ago...two races ruled over the Earth. HUMANS and MONSTERS.
One day, war broke out between the two races....
After a long battle, humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with magic spell.
Many many years later.........
201X, Mt. Ebott.
The legends say travellers who climb Mt. Ebott will never came back....
Meanwhile on surface....

"Legends say people who climb Mt. Ebott never came back... eh?.."
"Hmmmm....." Said an ambigious gender child named Chara while reading a History Book.

"I want to go to that mountain. Without anyone know... yeah.. I am Chara.. I know what am I doing...I'm going to that mountain tomorrow or maybe this time hehehe... " Said Chara.

"I'm sick of this place, I hate those people... what I want to do is kill myself, or DESTROY them....yess....yesssss..!! I can feel that Mt. Ebott is the answer....." Said Chara again with a creepy looking face expression.

"Hmmm...well well.... there's no one around. I bet this is the time... I'm going now! Hee heeee...!!"
Chara slowly sneaked out from their house. Chara is full of DETERMINATION on their heart.


"Yes! I did it! I REALLY did it! I leave that pathetic place! Heheheh!! This is it! Mt. Ebott! Here I come.....!!!!"
Chara excitedly run to the forest where Mt. Ebott located.

To be continued....... ;)

P:S: Sorry if there's grammar errors in this story. My English isn't 100% accurate as it isn't my first language. I hope you like my story! This is my first time writing story.

All character aren't belongs to me. Character are belongs to perspective owner. #undertalebytobyfox
I'm just making fanfiction.

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