Chapter 4

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Asriel bring Chara to his room...His room is filled with toys that does not interest Chara at all. Chara looks around the small room of Asriel. Chara and Asriel chatting together. Chara starts the conversation first.

Chara: Wow! Th-there so many toys in here! (Sadly.... none of this toys interest me though...)
Asriel: Yeah! Do you want to play with them, Chara?
Chara: N..No thanks.. I just want to take a rest.
Asriel: Whoops! Sorry, I forget that you're hurt. Come here. Take a rest on my bed.
Chara: (Well, my head is not hurt anymore....I'm just tired of my adventure to Mt. Ebott though.) Umm... Alright...
Asriel: I'm going to water the flowers! Sleep well, ok?
Asriel: Umm... well, I always watering the flower everyday to take care of them. I love flowers! Sometimes I play with my toys.. *smile*

Chara just taking a nap on Asriel bed while Asriel is watering his favorite flowers.. in his house and the entrance.
Meanwhile Chara in Asriel's room....
20 minutes later....

"My, my.. this bed is sooo comfortable than my bed at my house..well whatever. Asriel is very nice though. I like it.. and his cute face too, same goes as his mom. Their face is soooo cute."
"Monsters is even more good than the humans. Why would humans sealed such a good monsters in here?" Chara talking to themselves on the bed.

Chara wakes up from the bed and explore the room to find something interesting.

"Hmm.. there's nothing interest me in here, I wonder, what is in this closet.." Chara looks at the closet and open that closet.
"Oh wow, there's so many green-yellow striped shirts in here. Just like mine, but mine is just one stripe though, he got many stripes on his shirt. What's this? Oh... there's so many black pants too. *close the closet*

*door opening sound*

"H-huh...? Someone's opening the door.. I think it's Asriel..I..I.. better pretend I just waking up from sleep"

"Oh? Up already?" Said Asriel to Chara
"Yeah, it was a nice nap" Answer Chara while smiling.
"Are you still hurt, Chara?"
"No, the pain is gone. Don't worry, Asriel.
"Golly! That is the first time you called my name! I'm so happy! I'm glad that you're okay! Said Asriel excitedly.
Chara smiles.

Chara and Asriel is still feeling weird when they talk each other, but Asriel try to talk even more and he want to be friend with Chara.

Asriel: Umm... so, how old are you?
Chara: I'm 7.
Asriel: Golly! Hee hee hee..Me too! I just turn 7 last month!
Asriel is even more excited.
Chara: Hey, you're son of King and Queen of Monster right?
Asriel: Yup *cute smile*
Chara: So, that's mean you're the prince isn't it?
Asriel: Yup. Hee hee..


Meanwhile at the kitchen...
Toriel is baking another pie. Butterscotch-cinnamon pie. Then, Asgore came...

"Mmm... what a nice smell we got here, baking another pie, honey?"
"Oh, back already, Gorey? Yes. I'm baking another pie. *smiles*"
"Where's Asriel?" Asgore asks Toriel.
"Asriel? Well, he's in his room. He just finished watering the flower, also, you know what honey?"
"What is it...Tori......?" Said Asgore while drinking a cup of tea.
"Asriel find someone."
"Yeah. That person name is Chara. Chara is a human. Asriel found Chara fell from up of the entrance many hours ago. Asriel seems very excited to found Chara. I think he want to be friend with Chara."
Asgore seems very shocked.
"A....a h-human....?"

To be continued...... :)
P/s: Sorry if the third and this chapter is boring. I kinda running out of idea though. But in the next chapter, I'll try my best to make it interesting. Thank you for reading!

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