Chapter 2

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Chara run into the forest to find Mt. Ebott...
1 hour later....

"Argh! Where is that mountain?! Did I took the wrong way?... Hmmm, No.. I don't think so. I can feel it. This is the right way. Few days ago I heard people said this Mt. Ebott is near by that pathetic place where I live!"
"Oh well.. I guess I just keep searching that place."


*sigh* "Am I lost? I didn't see the mountain... well.. I'm gonna keep searching.. I'm hungry though. Luckily, I still have this apple that I steal from the shop before I leave hehehe..." *munch the apple*

Chara still keep searching .. until they find the mountain. Chara is full of DETERMINATION. A few moments later...Chara finally see Mt. Ebott.

"Oh hey! I see the mountain not far away from here! Is that it? Is that Mt. Ebott? I think that is!" Said Chara with a smile on their face.

Chara run to the mountain quickly.. After they arrived at Mt. Ebott, Chara find a cave at the mountain.

"Oh look! A cave! I wonder what inside? Is there monsters in here? I heard a myth said that the humans sealed the monster in here after the war has ended...hmm.."

After Chara exploring the cave, Chara found a big hole on the top of the mountain. Chara decided to explore the hole.

"Wow! That's REALLY big hole. I thought it was volcano. Hmm.. this hole is pretty deep. Is there something in here?"

Suddenly, Chara hear something from the hole. They also saw a moving shadow inside the hole.

"Huh...? W-what is that...? What is that sound? Is there someone in here? Uhh... Let me take a closer look.."


"Ahh.. my leg! It stuck on the vines.. ahh I might fall..."
*trips* *falling down* "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Chara scream loudly

To be continued......

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