Chapter 8

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Asriel go back and brings Chara to home. Toriel and Asgore seems so shocked..

"Asriel...? What happen to Chara...?!" Asgore asks Asriel

"Yes, my child, what happen? Is Chara sick??" Toriel asks Asriel, too.

("Umm...what do I say..what do I do...?")
"Uhh...Dad, Mom...Chara j-just fell sick. Ch-Chara fainted at the garden, I..I bring Chara here."

"Oh dear, quick! Bring Chara to your room!" Toriel seems panic.

"Okay mom......."

Asriel brings Chara to the room. Asriel put Chara on their own bed.

"Chara....can you hear me...?" said Toriel.

"We want you to wake up, Chara! You have to stay determined! You can't give up.... you are the future of humans and monsters...!!" said Asgore too.

"Pssst...Chara.....please, wake up *sniffle*"
"I...don't like this idea anymore, I.....I........"
", I said I'd never doubt you. Six right? We just have to get six.. and we'll do it together, right?" Asriel whispered to Chara.

Asriel didn't notice he accidentally switched on the camera, the camera is recording...

("Eh... w..wait a second. Oh! This camera is recording.. luckily, the lens cap is not turn on... well, let just turn off this camera. It is bad to recording things in this situation.")
*Asriel turn off the camera*
Suddenly.. Chara's hands moving a little, and Chara open their eyes...

"Ch..Chara? Are still you there.....? It's me, your best friend!"

*cough* *cough* "y......yeah... A...Asriel.....?"

"Yeah...? What do you need...? Did you want something....???"

", it's okay....I...I have r...request..before I d-die.."

"Wh..what is it, Chara..? What is your request?"

"I....I..want to s..see the Golden Flowers from my village....."

Then Asgore answers...

"But... Chara, we can't go to the surface...We are trapped in here. No one can go through the barrier. Only a being with a powerful soul can go through there."

"Hmmm...It's looks like we can't do anything about this.. We are so sorry, Chara...." said Toriel


".....Dad, Mom..? I'm sorry to ask, but.. can you leave Chara and I here.. I..I want to be with Chara alone, ok?"

Toriel & Asgore: "B...but.."


"Well then, sweetie. If you say so.. okay then." Said Toriel.

" Mom, Dad.. for understanding me." *Asriel smile with tears in the eyes.*

Asgore and Toriel leave Asriel and Chara in their room.

*Asriel holds Chara's hand* "Don't worry....we will do it together..I promise.. I never doubt you, ok? I will do anything for you, because I love you so much...."


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