Chapter 3

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Asriel is playing with his new toy while talking to the Dummy. Then, he hear a scream from the entrance. He quickly go to the entrance to check what is going on.

"Golly! I like this new toy! Dad gave it to me as a birthday present last month. Whaddaya think Dummy?"


"E-eh...? Wh-what is that sound....? The sound come from there. I better check it out real quick."
Asriel run to the entrance...

Meanwhile Chara at the entrance...
"oww.... that is hurts... uhh.. w-where am I? I thought I was dead already..ughh..I can't get up...."
"H..hello....? Anyone here...? Help me...."
Suddenly, Chara see a small little cute goat child appears.

("w..wait.. is the myth are true? Monster were sealed in here....? Is that a monster? Well, that monster looks like a goat though")

Asriel politely ask Chara if Chara is alright.

("Wait, is THAT human?")
"Umm... h- hey, are you okay? Did you just fall from up there...?"


"You must be hurt, are you... here, lemme bring you to my house."


"What is your name..?"

"The name is Chara."

"Chara huh...?"
"That's...a nice name."
"My name is Asriel. I'm the son of the King and Queen of Monster! Hee hee!"

"Oh.....that is awesome."
("'s true, he's a that myth is real. Monster was sealed in here..interesting...heheh.")

Suddenly... a frog appears.

Froggit: *ribbit*
Asriel: Froggit, please get out of my way... Don't worry, this human would not do anything to you..
Froggit: *ribbit* *flee*
Asriel: Don't worry Chara! Those monster won't attack you, you have me.
Chara: Thank you......
Asriel: You're new here.. Lemme show you how things are work around here...

Few moments later.... Chara and Asriel has arrive to the Home.

Asriel: Ok, this is my mom's house! We err... called it "Home". My dad give this name. Well, he's terrible at naming things.....

Asriel bring Chara to the Home and introduce Chara to Toriel, Asriel's Mom.

Asriel: Mom, I'm home!
Toriel: Oh, honey back alrea-...... *shocked to see the human*
Asriel: Mom, this is Chara. I found they fall from the up of the entrance.
Toriel: (Well...I didn't expect this to happen.) Oh.. small one, I am Toriel. I'm Asriel's mother. I'm also the Queen of Monster. Make yourself at home ok?
Chara: Alright. *smiles*
Toriel: Asriel, why won't you show your room to Chara? Let Chara rest for a while in your room. Chara is hurt right?
Asriel: Yeah! Chara.. come here, let me bring you to my room. You can rest in there. After you wake up, we can play toys! Hee hee..
Chara: Okay.
Toriel: Have fun, you two! I'm gonna bake another pie. Before you go, Chara....? Do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch pie?
Chara: Both, of course!
Toriel: Ah I see...
Asriel: C'mon Chara!
Chara: Okay!

To Be Continued..... ] : )

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