Chapter 6

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It has been 3 years, 3 years Chara staying underground with the Dreemurr Family.....Asriel and Chara became really close to each other. They looks like siblings. Besides, Chara still not doing their plan, but now, it have been so long and Chara decided to do it when the time is come.....

Meanwhile at the flower bed....
Asriel with a Video Camera while playing with Chara..

"Chara? Are you ready?"

"Yeah, Asriel!"

"Do a creepy face!"

*Chara is doing creepy face* "waaaargggghhh"

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Asriel screaming then, he laughs,
"Hee hee hee!...Oh, wait a minute! I had the lens cap on...."

Chara seems very embarrassed..

"H-huh...? R-r...really..?? Humm...I don't want to do creepy face anymore! Hmmph.!"

Then Asriel said....
"What?! You're not gonna do it again.....? Awww c'mon! Quit tricking me! Ahahaha!"
*Asriel turns camera off*

The next day....

Chara told Asriel to make pie for Asgore together. When they tried to make butterscotch pie for Asgore, The recipe asked for a cups of butter. Then, they accidentally put buttercups in the pie instead of cups of butter. After Asgore ate that pie......

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those buttercup flowers GOT him so badly HAHAHA!!!!" Said Chara while laughing .
" Umm....uh.. uh.. y...yeah ha..ha..ha.." ( "Oww...I feel so bad..." )

Toriel seems really upset with their action.
"You two are so naughty! Why would you do that to your dad? I am so upset with your action, my children."
Asriel then apologizes to his mom while Chara become speechless there.
".......I...I...I'm so" ( "aww we made mom really upset..." )

".........." Chara become speechless.

The next week later......
At the flower bed..

(" Yess.... things are getting great now. The time is near hehehhehehe!" )

Then, Asriel came with his video camera again....

"Hee hee! *Asriel brings his video camera to Chara*
"Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera! Hee hee!"

"H-huh.....?" Chara kind of freaked out when Asriel came with the camera.
"Aha! This time I got YOU! I left the lens cap on! ON PURPOSE!"

"E- ehehe..!! You got me..! Aww c'mon!" *Chara smiles*

"Haha! Now you're smiling foooor noooo reason!! Hee hee hee!"

Then, Chara suddenly asks Asriel about the last week incident.

"Umm...hey, don't you remember last week that we pranked Dad right?"

"H..huh? What? Oh yeah.. I remember."
"When we tried to make butterscotch pie for Dad, right?"

"Yes" Chara answers.

"The recipe asked for a cups of butter.....but we accidentally puts the buttercups instead."

"Yeah. Dad got sick because he ate that pie." ("Heh, that's because I swapped the butter with buttercups instead") Said Chara.

" Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick. I felt so bad...... We made mom really upset with us..."
"I should laughed it out like you did...but I felt so bad, Chara."

"Oh...." Said Chara again.

"Um so anyways, where are you going with this?"

"Uhh... could you turn that camera off....??" Chara asks Asriel to turn off that camera.

"Huh? Turn off the camera? Ok!"


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