Chapter 7

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It's the time.......

"Hmmm.... where is that Asriel go?"
"Wait, I forgot.....I think he said he is finding video camera isn't he?"
"Well, it's the time.....time to DESTROY everyone in the surface!"

Meanwhile at Asgore's room....

*knock knock* "C..can I go in, dad....?"

"Yes you can, my little son."

" Feeling better...?"

"Yes. I'm alright. It has been one week. I'm feeling a lot of better now. You don't have to worry about me, okay?" *smiles*

"R..really? Golly! I'm so happy! Hee hee.."
"But I still feel so bad about last week. I'm sorry dad, because I'm so naughty..."

"It's okay Asriel. Everyone make mistakes. The past is the past, alright. Don't be sad, okay? Dad is with you.."

*hugs Asgore* "I love you dad!"

"Me too, my little son..."

"Wait here a second, okay dad?"
"I have something for you! Hee hee!"


Moments later.....

"Here dad! Have some cup of tea!"
"Uhm...don't worry dad. It will not make you sick again."
"Mom teach me how to make a tea.. After that, mom have a sip of my tea.."
"She said it was good!"

"Golly! That's good! Let me drink the tea...made by my beloved son..."
*Asgore drinks the tea*
"Oh! It tastes really good!"

"Yay! Mom and dad loves my tea! Hee hee!"
("Maybe I should give the tea for Chara too. It will be great! Yeah!")
"Umm... dad?"


"Where did you put the video camera.. I want it... pleaseeee..??" *Asriel is making a cute face*

*giggles* "Aww, making a cute face I see...Sure, just take it. The camera is inside the drawer."

"Yay! Thank you dad!"
("Hee hee! Can't wait to make a tea for Chara!")

Meanwhile Chara at the garden...

"Where IS that buttercup flowers....?! I think it was here somewhere..ughhh."

Suddenly, Asriel came...
("Aww..I couldn't make a tea for Chara...I'm out of the ingredients though... that's unfortunate.")
"Hmm..where did Chara go..?"
"Chara? Where are youuuuu.....??"

"Oh snap, he's coming!!"

"There you are! I was looking for you! What are you doing here?"

"Err...uhh..n-nothing! I'm just relaxing here! Yeah!"

"Oh.. can I stay with you too? Hee hee!"


"Chara, you look kinda sad."

"Y..yeah, I was thinking why would the humans make all of the monster trapped in here. Monster is even more nice than human!"

"Well, we always hoping that someday we can finally free. Everyone HOPES and DREAMS...."
"Cheer up, Chara. I have a camera! Hee hee!"

"Hey...I read that a powerful soul can get through the barrier."

"Yeah! I heard from Dad and the scientist...a soul with lot of DETERMINATION can pass that barrier."

"But I heard that human and monster soul can be combined and will become powerful to get through the barrier."

"Really? Golly! That's awesome!"

"So, let's combine our SOULS together! Hehehe!"

"Eh..? For what?"

"To make the monsters free! I'll kill myself, and you take my SOUL! How about it?"
"Get me some buttercup flowers.. I want to eat the flowers, and when I die, you take my soul, go to the surface. Take other six human souls, and we'll become powerful enough to DESTROY the barrier! Everyone in the underground will be free!"

"I....I don't like this idea, Chara..." *sniffle*

"Are you....crying..."

"Wh...what? N-no......I'm not...big kids don't cry."

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's free everyone!"
(" plan seems working. Before I die, I have to tell Asriel to bring me on my village.. so, when he absorb my soul, go to that pathetic place. I'll control Asriel's body to DESTROY them all and take their soul! We'll become powerful! Hahahahhaha!")
"Hey.... why are you so quiet."

"Y... yeah you're right. L..l...let's..f-free everyone!"

"Are you doubting on me......"

"No! I'd never doubt you, Chara! Never! Y...yeah!!"
"We'll be strong! We'll free everyone! I'll go get the flowers, ok?"
("Uh...I better turn off the camera real quick...")

("Yes! He just entered my trap! Hahaha!!")

" flowers......." *sniffle*

"Hehehe. Thanks so know, I did this because I love you...just don't cry..I'm ready to eat these flowers"

Chara ate so many buttercups and then, Chara fainted. Asriel brings Chara back to his house. Asgore and Toriel thought Chara just fell ill. So, Asriel didn't tell that Chara actually ate a lot of


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