Chapter 9

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The next day...

It's raining...

Meanwhile Toriel and Asgore at the living room...

"Oh dear, what do we do now? Poor Asriel. He is really sad.. I'm afraid something will happen to Chara..."

"Yes, Tori. I am afraid too. I don't want Asriel to be sad.. he loves Chara so much."

"Let's just hope Chara and Asriel would be alright, right honey?"

"You are right, Tori."


Asriel was sleeping while holding Chara's hand all the night....


"H..huh..? Chara? Up already? How are you feeling now...??"

"I...I...I...c-c-can't stay m..much lo-longer.." *cough*

*sniffle* *sob* "...Ch..Chara.." *hugs Chara*
"Please Chara....I...I.. don't like this...."
" already said I'd NEVER doubt you......"


"We can do it! We do it together, alright.... and everyone will be happy and free.... like you said Chara..."

"'s do it.. r..remember, I..I want to s..see.. t..that Golden Flowers at my v..village.........................."

"Ch..Chara...? Chara! Are you hear me....? I'm here...I'm here.. for you! It's me, your best friend! Asriel Dreemurr!!! Chara...."
"Chara...please...w..wake up...." *sniffle* *cries* *wipes tear* " kids don't cry.."


".......Alrighty then...let's do this,Chara.. let's do what you asked me to do... let's go to the surface..."

Asriel brings Chara's dead body to the garden.

"Asriel...? Wh..where are you going....?"
"...with Chara..?" said Asgore

"Oh dear, Asriel..did...Ch..Chara-"

" I am sorry....but...but...Chara is gone..." *cries*

Asgore & Toriel: "We're so sorry...Asriel,we couldn't do anything." *hug Asriel*

*smile with tears in the eyes* "Mom, Dad... it's okay...."
Asriel walks away...

"Asriel..? Wh..where are you going with Chara..?" Toriel asks Asriel.

"I'm..I'm... going to the garden! I..I...I have something to do. Just leave me alone, ok? Don't follow me. I will be okay, I promise....."


"See you later, Mom....and Dad." Asriel smiled to his mom and dad with tears in his eyes.

Asriel quickly brings Chara's dead body to the garden..

Moments later...
Asriel talks to the dead Chara before go to the barrier.

"Alright, Chara...we're at the garden now, or the throne room.. well, whatever, you already knew, right..?"
"Ummm...l...let's do this, Chara. We'll go to the room behind the throne, and..."
"We'll see the barrier....."
"Are you ready, Chara? Um..umm... l-l-let's g..go.."
"Let's do this together, Chara! I won't let you down! I won't doubt you!"


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