Unravalling the truth

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I sigh heavily remembering that very day when we got separated, my heart aches knowing this moment would come when I would have to reveal my past. The place I felt warmth, the place I use to live, the place I grew up gone in a flash everything I had was taken away from me I remember that day where I shed my last tear. The day I last felt emotion the day it all was gone.

we were all sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner, very little conversation going on but little did I know someone evil, someone who was raised in nothing but hate, abandoning and didn't know good was watching us. I pause for a moment and curl my fist in anger looking at my friends gathered around me I continue the story - The very next moment happened in the blink of an eye... my voice choked...  to fast for my brain to process... The door and Windows bursted open with men in black surrounded us, while mom yelled at us (me, Dad-Wayne and my sister-diamond) to run into the woods dad grabbed our hands and pulled us along knowing what he had to do and didn't think twice. My sister and I cried out and screamed for my mother to fallow, but the last I saw of her- my mom was when she got murdered I looked one last time and saw a bullet enter my mothers  head as blood bleed every wear. My father running as fast as she could trying not to look back knowing what would happen if he did, but he did. He stopped to glance back "one of the worst things that could have happened in that moment " we stopped instantly but it was to late dad was being dragged away yelling at us to run into the woods. I look to my right wear Diamond was standing shock on my face, where did she go? Was Diamond gone to? My mind spun, I herd voices cry out "Run while you can" That voice was my--- Fathers "Help" my sister called out I tried to run over to her but I was being chased by the men in black as reality sank in. All my family, all my memories everything I loved gone as if  vanished. Tears fell down my face as I stood their, all the memories that were with my family, my house wear flashing through my mind. I could no longer focus. My heart shattered into millions of pieces, pieces that would never be able to be put back together, Did I loose my whole family in less than five minutes? I had no choice I had to run I just had to. I could no longer see for my vision was clouded by fear! hurt! anger! I could no longer hear my sister-as it was DEAD silent reality fell among the ground almost as if time had stopped by itself it was raining. I was now wet, cold, helpless,  hurt, lonely. The only sound I could hear was the rain drops hitting the world around me. Not a care in the world that rain drop had for if all humans were extinguished life would go on. Nothing would change with nature "not one would mind neither bird nor tree if man kind perished utterly and Spring herself when she woke at dawn and scarcely know we were gone, and it will rain" then something broke my gaze it was.. my dad calling out to me once more "Run, you have to get out of hear squirt" I frantically began to climb a tree not knowing what else to do and eager to see the full image of my family getting put into black vans and being sped away, and were my family was hoping to see the defection of the vehicles I reach the top, looking over the tree branches at what use to be my house that is now burning to the ground with flames bursting around the wood as if that was my heart that's exactly how I felt. Tears streaming down my face, "why would they come for my family?" I couldn't think. Diamond was from a poor foster home not knowing who her real parents were. Before I had became part of that family I was raised by a dragon named Nagaremasa That's wear I first met Seren but we went our own ways after the dragon disappeared. I come back to the present watching the world around me stop. That day I made a promise to myself that very moment that I will always be strong if I stay strong I won't have to go through this mess again. And after that I scattered around looking for somewhere safe, warm, some place comforting and that's were I stumbled across another guild. Where I was accepted, I was a teenager but by that time when the men who burned down my house found me there they threatened to destroy the guild and everyone along with it so I had no choice but to leave. Wanting no harm upon them but before I left... Emerald The only one I had told about my ability as a Queen Dragon slayer and my past. He didn't think I was almighty he treated me like he would a normal human not like I was a high Queen. Emerald promised me that day that he would find my sister somehow and he would tell me when he did. Tears stung in both our eyes -leaving your best friend isn't something easy to swallow- I could tell by his gaze without having to read his thoughts that he truly meant what he said.

So I finally found this place and have been hiding here this most of my life scared that if I were to tell anyone about my past I would have to start over again. I finish my story with tears in my eyes and shaking just enough to be visible. As Erza came up and patted me on the shoulder. "I say we go and look for Diamond"
"I'm ok with that, it might mix things up a bit"
says Lucy trying to bring a smile to my face but failed then Natsu yells out "Lets go kick some ass"
"Can't you see you she's torn" says Grey with annoyed look.

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