The clear door?

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I make my way through the door, when I arrive were we set up camp the sun has just risen and Erza is up I approach her "hey do you want to fight with swords, without you getting into your special armer" Erza ponders for a second then says "yea lets do it but you can't use your magic either" I nod we both get into our fighting positions I had my holster to my side angled down, I carefully draw my sword. As Erza does the same " have you told Natsu about our last fight?" I say almost in a joking tone "No" I start to laugh but then with a big clash, me and Erza's swords collide in am x position.

I slice mine from my right to my left and end up hitting the very edge of her sword making the sword slide out of her hand she smiles as if she remembers our last fight. Everyone suddenly awakes due to the loud clash Seren then perks up "squirt I wouldn't think you would be up fighting this early" I walk over and get Erza's sword then hand it to her and put mine back in its holster " I want to see you three fight" said Natsu giving his signature smile again Seren comes over and joins Me and Erza "Alright so how are we going to do this?" I think for a moment " Seren you and Erza can fight and the winner can fight me just because I just fought Erza" I step back giving them enough room "sounds good" says Seren

*******time skip************

Erza then equips into her fast armer she tried to get past Seren but Seren swipes her hand from her for head down to her waist wanting to end this fight  and Erza is stuck in a cage. I guess there using magic

I couldn't help but laugh " She did the trap spell on you" Erza just sets in there knowing she can't get out only a wizard as strong as us can break the sturdy cage "wow you two defeated Erza with like two shots" says Natsu and Lucy shock all over everyone's face " Alright squirt you ready" says Seren with a smirk " Aren't I always" we begin to fight "from the tallest mountain to the lowest depth of the sea" we both say in synch we look at each other confused then we both swipe our index and middle finger on our right hand down to our waist " wow" I say Seren looks at me confused "since we seem to do the same spells somehow you want to try and do the combo" I had a surprised Look on my face "you know the academy told us that it is two dangerous to use last time we did that..." I take a gulp choking on the words "yea I know, but it's an amazing technique and what's the fun in that? but I know your going to say it's also very dangerous and only to be used in emergencies" Seren then rolls her eyes

"We need to get going" Jellal said looking board "but wear?" Jin replies "Nice sword" says Gray "Were on a important quest and all you care about is her sword" Natsu says bickering with Gray "umm... thanks I got it for free at that shop over there" I point my finger in the derection of the small shop "I want to go there" said Natsu with excitement in his eyes "it's like she went poof or something she just disappeared after I was talking to her, the cashier lady and she said she felt the need to give it to me whatever that means" I can't help but feel that there is a important piece of the puzzle missing "We need to keep moving and hurry at it" Emerald says taking out his compass we need to go west but unfortunately the compass seems to be spinning " I got this" says Lucy grabbing one of her zodiac keys "open gate of the compass key-Pyxis" then a celestial spirit shows up and points out west " Thanks Lucy" says Natsu walking that direction
____time skip___

We arrive at a open field with grain growing wildly and a soft breeze meeting your cheeks " hey do you see that? There is someone in the distance?" Emerald says taking a few steps farther " who are you?" I say calling out to the unfamiliar figure The girl suddenly turns around with a devilish smile casted upon her, I knew exactly what she was going to do she approaches me and we begin squaring it off I get slammed into a tree as a flash back approaches me

"Sister what are you doing?"
"What does it look like idiot?"
"Im not an idiot I just wanted to know why your sewing x eyes to my Dolly's face?"
"blondie connect the dots"
"Are you killing her" tears stung in my eyes at that moment remembering how much I loved that doll ( she was six give her a brake)
"You finally got one right and yes very slowly"

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