The Time Thieve

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We continue straight we can still hear each others thoughts "crap my battery died in my flashlight" I sigh "so did mine" said the rest of the gang, I got this thought Natsu he heated up his right hand using it almost as a torch we gracefully take each step, "hey guys were in an open area" I say relieved  "um guys" said Lucy "what?" Said Erza "there are some dark mages in front of us" Lucy said reading her keys "Great another thing to deal with" Seren said with a groan "I have a feeling these humans aren't messing around" said Erza "I think they're a decoy you can see the wires from behind them" is there any way they could just walk around them?" said Lucy "no I'm afraid not" said Natsu "so how do we get through? I have a feeling that what we need is on the other side of them. Natsu punched one dragon while I punched one and Seren punched another on and Erza and Lucy did the same

"So is that like a door we need to pass through?" Said Lucy "that's the thing we need to figure out" "just to think we came here for another reason yet we're caught up in this mess" I say not letting my emotions get the better of me "hey look over to your left it's gray and Juvia, why the heck is she here?" I ask confused "Juvia tried to save gray" Juvia said talking in third person "what happened and why are you in a cage?" Said Seren in an instant we were all tied up and had no clue where we are or what we did we are all locked up in a cell together,"we need to escape" Erza whisper  "where did my guitar go?" I ask timidly "is Gray knocked out?" I hear a moan coming from grays way "does anybody know where Emerald went? Now that I think about it he is been gone ever since we entered the drop dead" I say worried "um sapphire, look behind Gray" said Seren tears stung in my eyes as I realize he was Unconscious " hey Seren and Natsu I don't beam burst your bubble or anything but a RY or Jin is tied up behind happy who is beside Juvia" I could see the pain in Seren and Natsus eyes "we are not losing the fight we cannot give up" said Natsu giving us a word of Encouragement.

A dark haired man came out of the shadows with grin of pure evil gin on his face "I am The Time thieve" he says trying to be intimidated we don't care who he is but all I care about is what he wants " I herd you guys were the best fighters in all the guilds combined" but it was surprisingly easy to capture you" he chuckles and as he bickers on about his plan to kill us we plot something "hey guys I know this is a long shot but if we could all combine powers somehow that is the only way other way,not unless you can get me you my guitar, I have a 357 Rossie in there (a pistol) " I say in a hush voice we create a plan that just might be crazy enough to work (that everyone will use there tools) "let's do this you ready?" Erza says, we all nod *Natsu burns the rope that has us tied together but it was such a small flair The Time thieve never noticed. "On three" said Lucy "one,two,three" we all stand up (me and Seren have a lost magic that can pretty much do anything, we creat a forced wild around our little group, it allows magic to come out but not in, hurry it uses a lot of energy. Seren creates a little bubble for each person. We stop and I run over to my guitar and grab my 357 and I'm waiting for the Q "Now I'm all fired up" Natsu says as he kicks The Time thieves in the face but he did not give up easily "haha I can mess with your memory and make you turn agents your own" Now" yells Erza right before he moved his hand to erase Natsus memory I shoot him I. The arm and Lucy uses her whip to tie his arms together. Seren uses her magic to break the Jail bars.

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