23. Delight

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Life never ceases to leave me amazed.

Two months ago, I started school with a plan, worthy of dubbing me a control-freak. But, what I intended to achieve of this year missed me - at least so far. Instead, life brought in new pursuits. And, for once, I had something good to look forward to.

My days were surreal.

I didn't see Sebastian a lot. In fact, after the party, I didn't see him for the remainder of the weekend. I had work to go to, homework to catch up with, and my friends to satisfy.

Sebastian and I texted a lot, and he called me late at night. We talked, and his was the last voice I heard before sleep claimed me.

Monday morning arrived as the happiest in a long time. I got dressed, making special effort for a special day. I was probably being manic. But I didn't allow room for being bothered by that.

Victor and Violette joined me for breakfast. I took the time to catch up with them. I hadn't been the model sister, or daughter for that matter. After being ill and then going through Victor's accident together, it had made me want to make efforts to get closer to my family. But, admittedly, I'd been too invovled in my personal-life crisis. Selfish, I know, but I hoped little steps would gradually grow into big changes to make things better.

Victor's massive plaster had now been reduced to a bandage. He could now walk with support, instead of needing to be pushed around in a wheelchair all the time.

Victor and I were especially bonding, at least from my perspective, over teasing Violette about her new crush. Boys who played sports were apparently my sister's type. According to Victor, she was halfway through the baseball team by now. Apparently my sister was turning out to be a mini-Nicole.

And Victor - "You'd do great as a Tabloid journalist," I was telling him when the bell rang. Victor made an expression of disgust, before stalking off.

"Did Mom step out?" I asked Violette, who shook her head. "Anyone who was supposed to come?"

A moment later, my question was answered.

"Big sister has a visitor!" Victor declared in a sing-song, and loudly.

I spotted Sebastian walking in behind my brother. My heart felt like it made a tiny leap inside my chest at the sight. Sebastian, in a button-down and jeans, hair messy, and hands in his pocket, looked like he'd walked off a Gossip Girl set.

"Hi," I greeted him, jumping off my stool. I didn't want to think about how my voice sounded, but I knew it was anything but relaxed. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd pick you up for school." Sebastian smiled.

I was walking towards him. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I wanted to surprise you," he said.

"Well, I'm surprised." I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tip-toe, and leaning to kiss him.

His lips were soft, and he tasted of something fresh. Our mouths met for moments, not long enough for me to fully enjoy the kiss. I heard my mom call my name, trailing off towards the end. A part of me wanted to ignore her, but I'd already loosened myself from Sebastian, who had the presence of mind to pull away entirely.

I met his gaze to find a humorous look in his eye. For the moment, I was content, having my world narrowed to just him and me.

"Sebastian, is that you?" My mother asked.

I turned around. Mom was in a nightgown but looked decent enough. Dad was just behind her in track pants and a tee. They both looked awake enough to have realized what was going on just a minute ago. Or was it more?

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