15. Puzzle Pieces

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I was being dragged to the Homecoming Dance. Not literally, since I had finally conceded to coming, but I wouldn't put it past Nicole to actually drag me out of my house to the venue, which was our school gymnasium.

I didn't see the point of going anyway. The only mildly interesting thing that was to happen was the announcement of the student council and I'd find that out at school anyway, and no doubt Facebook would be alight with pictures of the dance, so I'd know who were voted Homecoming King and Queen too. Plus, the idea of being in such an enclosed area with so many students was far from appealing. But that was just one of the excuses I gave my friends, who were quick to argue back that the gym was large enough to hold the approximate number of students who would be coming in addition to a separate area for food and drinks.

I would have stuck to my stubbornness if all four of them - Adrian, Nicole, Hayley and Jace - hadn't bombarded me with texts every five minutes all afternoon pleading for me to come. Eventually, I agreed to "suck it up", as Jace asked me to, and make an effort at enjoying my Friday night. The only good part to it was that my ticket, which I'd bought earlier while still planning to go, would not be wasted and I got a chance to dress up, something I hadn't done in a while.

I had previously decided on what I was going to wear - a sweetheart dress with a glittered silver bodice and ruffled pink skirt, in addition to silver sandals, a matching glitter clutch and lightning-shaped necklace. I'd managed to tie up my hair at the last moment and I was pretty happy with the way it had turned out. If only I could be as happy about the event I was wearing it to. 

To be completely honest, the main reason I didn't want to go was because I was wary of Sebastian being there. I didn't think I could take another day of being on a tipping scale about our relationship. As if never receiving a reply to my text wasn't bad enough, Sebastian had skillfully avoided me and my questions for the rest of the week.

I decided to accept his not-so-subtle hints and back off like he wanted me to. I'd barely exchanged more than a couple words with him in the past day and, to be honest, I hated it. I also found it hard to believe that after two whole weeks of complete dedication in order to make me believe that he hadn't changed and that we could continue to be friends like we used to, Sebastian was willing to give it up for one of the girls at school he disliked the most; maybe the only one. 'Dating My Bully', now that would make quite a story.

The hall in front of me did nothing to raise my spirits. The familiar blue and yellow colored decorations, based on the school colors, were discomforting. The walls were covered with posters of those running for the Student Council and multicolored lights flashed across the room to set the mood for dancing. A low platform was also set at the opposite side.

"You ready?" I heard Jace ask from where he stood in front of me. His hand tightly held on Hayley's.

She let out a laugh, but I could tell that she was slightly nervous. "Of course. It's no biggie."

But it was and that surprised me. Hayley was carefree. She didn't care for school popularity or rumors or anything of that sort. People looking at her from head-to-toe at the attire she wore didn't worry her at all. But revealing her relationship with Jace apparently did. I guess his reputation as a player had a lot to do with it, but I hoped she wasn't too affected by it.

I held out my hand to give her shoulder a comforting squeeze. She turned towards me and smiled. "You try to enjoy yourself." I nodded, grinning back.

As the couple walked ahead, I felt an arm slung across my shoulder and another settle on my back - Nicole and Adrian.

"Well, this is cool," Adrian mused. "While most guys can't get a single date, I get two."

"Shut up," Nicole said which was quickly followed by an "ouch" by Adrian. I think Nicole slapped his head. A laugh escaped my lips at the look Adrian's face held.

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