8. Elegant Night-Outs : Part Two

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I turned around, already expecting the sight of the Valdez son. Except I hadn't really thought about the fact that this was a formal party and that Sebastian would look as good as he did. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with almost black pants that had a tinge of blue. Over it, he wore a brown jacket with a brown belt and maroon tie kept in the pocket of his jacket. 

"Didn't think I would see you here," Sebastian said, looking amused. 

Every muscle inside my body wanted to back away, out the door and not face him. I didn't know why. Maybe I was still wary of him playing another prank on me or maybe it was just his looks that had me unnerved. I was aware of my need to give him a reply, though, since I couldn't exactly walk away from right in front of him. 

"Didn't think I would be here," I replied.

To my surprise, he sat down on the empty chair between me and Adrian. "Hope you don't mind," he said to both my friends.

Nicole smiled. "Of course not."

"I won't be long," he said. "I see you are almost done eating." He indicated to my plate. "Would you like a second helping?"

I shook my head. "I'm done."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Or are you just being polite?"

"Ariel always has light dinners," Nicole supplied.

Sebastian turned to the brunette. "How about you?"

"I think Adrian and I will get a second helping once we're done," Nicole said.

"Would you like some drinks?" He asked.

Nicole nodded and Sebastian got up and went away, informing that he would be 'right back'. I wouldn't mind if he was gone for the rest of the night.

"Breathe, Ariel," Nicole said, a smile playing on her lips.

"What else am I doing?" I asked defensively.

"You look a little pale," Adrian said.

"I feel fine," I told him, after munching on the last bite of the mini-sandwich I was eating. "I'm going to wash my hands and come."

"You're just looking for an excuse to not be here when Sebastian comes back," Nicole teased as I stood up.

Ignoring her, I stood up and headed towards a door at the corner of the room that I assumed was the restroom. I was right, thankfully.

It wasn't like a regular washroom though. The golden light made the gold and maroon theme look more luxurious. After I got over my initial awe, I quickly washed my hands and looked at the mirror to examine my appearance.

The light simply put a glow on my face, so I didn't know whether I was paler than usual, if that was even possible.

Instead, I brought out the tube of lipstick from my purse and applied a fresh layer of red on my lips. I flattened my hair and then went out the door.

When I saw Sebastian standing at the table, I slowed down, contemplating whether to escape now or not. However, Nicole caught my eye. I saw a mischievous smile grace her face as Sebastian turned around.

I walked closer just as I heard Sebastian turn around and say, "There's a dance floor in the next room. You guys should join us there."

I was about to talk my place at the table but he grabbed my arm. "Dance with me?"

I was about to refuse, but Nicole glared at me with an expression that made it obvious that she would force me away if I didn't go with Sebastian right then.

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