10. The Last Straw

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I met Sasha at the entrance of the gymnasium on Wednesday.

"What happened to you?" She asked flatly.

"Long, tiring day," I said briefly.

"What did you do?"

"Carried out errands for this event in the morning along with various other activities," I explained. 

Sasha smiled. "On the bright side, getting the chance to sleep after being so worn out is the best feeling ever." 

"That's what I'm looking forward to," I replied, sighing. "I'm going to try to look less haggard. I'll see you later." I waved at her and proceeded towards the washroom at the end of the corridor outside the gym. 

I hadn't given Sasha the exact details though. Mrs. Curtis had roped in all the reporters of the magazine turn-by-turn to help with the discussion event today. In the morning, working on that wasn't so bad. All I had to do was help to hang up the remaining flyers to remind the students to show up. It was during the last period of the day that I had to run all the way from one side of the school to another in order to get the keys to the Speaker Room since Mrs. Curtis wanted an announcement to be made as well.

In between all of that though, I was on, what Nicole had called, Operation Hayley. The girl had skipped school yesterday after ignoring my innumerable calls and messages. She sat as far as possible in Homeroom today and was doing an infuriatingly good job of avoiding not only me but Adrian and Nicole as well, however hard we tried to find her. Jace's case was pretty much the same.

"Ariel!" I heard someone call me just as I was about to enter the washroom. I turned around to see Sebastian. "He- What happened to you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gosh! Aren't you kind?"

He turned apologetic. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You just look really worn out."

I simply shrugged. "Is there something you wanted?"

He still looked slightly uncomfortable as he spoke. "Yeah. I just needed someone to help the students in the seating. Figured you'd do it best."

"I was just about to do something about the way I look," I said with a tinge of humor. "If you don't mind, I can help with that after. Sasha's waiting at the gym, though. I guess she could do it."

"Yeah." Sebastian nodded. "I'll get her to do it."

I watched his departing back, restraining a laugh at the way he had acted after reacting over my appearance. I saw him meet with Sasha and turned to the restroom. I had to salvage my appearance for the next hour, or I'd have to face about hundred more reactions like that of Sebastian.


When I went back to the gymnasium, students had already begun to occupy the empty chairs that had been placed in neat rows. I saw Sasha with Mrs. Curtis and headed in their direction.

Before I could reach them though, Mrs. Curtis was leaving behind the sour-faced brunette.

I chuckled as I approached her. "What now?" 

Sasha sighed. "Same old. I have to pay close attention to what the two nominees for President say."

"It won't be that bad," I tried to console her. 

"And I have to interview them afterwards," Sasha added. 

"But you were going to have to do that anyway," I said. "It's just happening earlier now." 

Sasha shook her head. "I have to cover the entire election process, remember. It doesn't end now."

I was about to respond but stopped when I saw Sebastian approaching us, his eyebrows raised. "Are you the same person I saw ten minutes ago?" 

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