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   If you aren't my friend, you aren't worth my time for me to pretend to be your friend. I won't waste my time pretending. What would I gain? I spend my time focusing on my real friends rather than pretending to be someone else's friend to be popular. I don't want popularity, I want true friends that share the same values and interests as I do. I go for quality over quantity. I'm not friends with everyone in the grade, but the friends I do have are my close friends that I share common interests with-most commonly music, but some of my friends are into engines as much as I am.      I didn't realize how many people faked friendship until a guy at my school moved to a school down the road (literally less than a mile). He was, like, extremely popular and had a million friends...or so I thought. After he left, the people I thought were closest to him were like "Naw I don't miss G-+-" "He was a dumbass" etc. I was taken aback by how many people didn't really like him but pretended to be his friend because they had something to gain.      If you aren't my friend, you aren't worth my time to pretend. To fake. To lie.

Song: Godsmack - I Stand Alone


Ok sorry this took so long but finals and projects and ugh. TBH i got this chapter idea in the middle of gym, so this is 'me pretending to listen to instructions' writing :)

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