Hope In The Darkest Of Places

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Chapter 19

-Rose's POV


I hit the floor hard. The Doctor's quick to my side, and seems to have broken off his chains. He gently lifts me up and hugs me tightly,sobbing into my shoulder. I cry and cry and cry into his chest and he smooths my back.
"Oh Rose. I am so, so sorry." He says. My hands fist into his shirt and I continue to bawl.
"He took our baby, Doctor. Our baby."
"I know, I saw." The Doctor says, and rocks me back and forth. Tears don't stop flowing, the Doctor cries into my hair. "I love you, and I'm sorry" he whispers through tears.
"It was a boy. Our own little boy." I cry out.
"It's all my fault, I brought us here."
"No." I say through sobs "Not your fault."
"Are you in pain?" The Doctor asks gently and I nod. He picks me up and lays me down on a bed in the corner of the room. He rips some of his shirt and places it underneath me, catching the last drops of blood. There was no bed in my cell. It's then when I notice the burns and scars all down his arms and up his back. I sit bolt up right with all the energy I have left.
"Doctor! What did he do to you?" I say in a panic, pulling him down on the bed beside me.
"Hey, hey! It's nothing!"
"Yes it is!" I start crying again "He beat you!"
"Rose, you need to rest-"
"Not before I kill him!" I shout tears cascading fast down my cheeks.
"Hey! Calm down," The doctor grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. "We will get out of here and get our baby back, I promise."
"He could be doing anything to him!" I shout.
"He won't, he can't carry out any tests until the baby's at least a month old, so calm. We'll get to him."
"But-" I start, but he silences my words with a kiss. It's long, and slow. Our lips slowly part from each other, and the Doctor presses his forehead to mine. Sending me feelings of hope through our link.
"It's not the end, Rose. I got us into this mess and I will get us out of it."
I nod and he wipes my tears away. I gently place a hand over his burns.
"I can't believe he did this to you" I shake my head and another tear slowly falls.
"It was nothing compared to what you had to go through" the Doctor says "I'm so proud of you. I tried to break out the cell, but I couldn't."
"Of course you couldn't, and don't blame yourself for it." I say. A few moments pass where we just sit there, our foreheads pressed together. "What shall we name him?" I speak up quietly.
"I have an idea. But I want you to like it." The Doctor says.
"What is it?" I whisper.
"Matthias, it means hope in high Gallifreyan."
"Matthias it is then" I lean in and hold the Doctor tight, never wanting to let go.

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