(24) Teenage Dirtbag.

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So I finally updated, yay! Enjoy and feel free to suggest anything about what may happen next in the story all right? ;-)


☺ Jen's POV 

A week has passed after Harry's 'flowerstagram' news spread throughout the social media and hasn't stopped bothering me about it. Emails, tweets, comments on my instagram photos, Facebook messages, and even texts were mostly about one thing and that same question all over again: 'Are you really dating Harry Styles?'

Harry thinks it's hilarious, but I don't think so, with the rest of the boys behind me. Louis had bugged me a lot of times just to know where the secret location is but since I swore to Harry, I can't tell him and it infuriates him more. "And you're a hundred percent sure nothing else happened?" I remember him asking me when he invaded Lottie and I's room one night and locked the door so I have no way out but answer his questions.

"What else do you want to hear, Louis? We told you, I told you, that nothing else happened other than making those flower crowns. And there's a reason why I can't tell you where it is and I hope you're decent enough to accept that," I replied angrily and sat down on the edge of my bed. He stood by the door with his arms crossed in front of him, glaring at the floor.

When he didn't reply after sometime, I continued more calmly now. "It was Harry's safe haven, Louis. I'm sorry he didn't tell you about it or I can't tell you about it, well, because it wasn't my secret to tell mostly but you have to trust the both of us, okay? He just picked me up like you told him to, he wanted some piece of mind and to learn how to make some flower crowns as weird as that idea may be for you, just talked, and then he proceeded to take me home. That's it."

"It's not that simple, Jen. Okay, I believe you but I know how Harry is with other girls, I just don't want that to happen with you or how the media will portray you." He hesitates at first if he should put an arm around me but a second after, he does and pulls me closer to him. "With what happened last week, I just don't want the management to pressure you more into doing things you don't want to do for our sake."

That bothered me, the fact that their management can control me since I'm already part of their game. Louis must've seen my look since he rubbed my shoulder and he can tell I was worried all of a sudden. "Just don't..let this happen again anytime soon, okay?" he told me and stood up and walked away.

That was the last night we saw each other after he left with the boys for a week tour in three cities here in United Kingdom: London, Manchester, and Dublin, Ireland. For some time apart to avoid anything else, Harry and I haven't talked since when he last talked to their management and we avoided each other for quite sometime for each other's sake until the media calms down about the issue.

"Guess who got us two front-row tickets to a One Direction concert at London? I did!" Chris kicks the bedroom door open and walked proudly into the room and squealed like a teenage girl to wake me up. I groaned and chucked a pillow at him before going back to sleep again but he didn't let me; he tackled me as I lay flat on the bed and then he starts jumping like a little kid on Christmas day.

"How many teenage girls did you eat today, Chris?" I pushed him off the bed, resulting him almost to fall flat on his face, and glared when he finally caught my eye. He pulls my covers away and I screamed at him in frustration.

"You're extra bitchy today.. Is it that time of the month?" he laughs and then crumples my blanket into a ball and then threw it at me from the other side of the room. When I didn't say anything, he laughed even harder and flicks the tip of my nose. "No sex for you on the next days, missy," he added.

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