(1) Goodbye, America. Hello, UK.

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☺ Jen's POV ☺

I took another look behind me, one last look at my family before I leave for London. My stepmom tries to stop her tears but it was pretty clear it was on the verge of falling from her face. I laugh a little.

"I love you," I mouthed and gave them one last wave before I turned around and continued walking on my way to the group of other students included in the student exchange program. I approached Kate, a girl from one of my classes, and made small talk while we wait for the PA system to announce our flight. After we shared our stories, Ms. Carmichaels called out my name.

"See you on the plane later, okay?" I told Kate and stood up from my seat to approach Ms. Carmichaels.

"Yes, Miss?" She looks up at me from her seat and gives me a warm smile. She then handed me a thin folder and I gave her a confusing look which she smiled again at.

"That's the information about your foster family at London. You can read it later in the plane," she advised me and as if a coincident, the PA finally announced that our plane has finally arrived. I sighed quietly and went back to my seat to get my things which happens to be guarded by Kate who was busy talking to another boy from our class but I didn't know his name so instead, I just gave him a small smile while I slid my satchel on my shoulder.

"Jenny, this is Thomas and vice versa."

We laughed at her introduction and we shook hands. "So I'm finally meeting the 'famous' Jennifer Casey," he joked. "Nice to meet you," he added after we let go.

I jokingly rolled my eyes when he said the word 'famous' and they both laughed. We all walked together towards our plane while Thomas still jokes around my reputation at school. "Ugh, please. I don't want to be reminded by 'them' because finally, I can be away from them," I groaned.

When we got to our seats, Ms. Carmichaels walked towards the three of us again and handed Thomas and Kate folders similar to what she gave me, too. We all opened them together and reviewed our foster families we'll temporarily live with at London. I scan their names, address, the parent's occupation and some more background info until my eyes lingered again on the last name. Then, I smirked.

Kate starts blabbering about her foster family and how sweet they all seem. "Let me look at yours," she said then took a peek of my folder. The same smirk I had also appeared on her face when she saw the family photo. "Well, this is going to be an interesting year for you."

Oh, yes. Very interesting indeed.

After almost eleven hours of flight, we finally landed at Heathrow airport. I stretch carefully in my seat, as to not wake up both Thomas and Kate who were still sound asleep. I smiled at their sleeping figures before I shook them and informed them that we were finally here. Kate woke up as soon as my hand touched her shoulder while Thomas just stirred and went back to sleep.

"Thank God he doesn't fall asleep at school.. Who knew he was such a heavysleeper? He can sleep throughout the whole day of school," Kate joked.

Once the flight attendant informed us that we can now remove our seatbelts and all that, I stood up from my seat to get some of my stuff from the compartment. Accidentally, my satchel swung and hit Thomas' face then he woke up.

Kate and I laughed at his expression. "I'm sorry, Tom. But hey, you're finally awake," I managed to say in between laughs. He joined us after until Ms. Carmichaels approached us and told me that my foster family is already waiting for me. Kate and I looked at each other and laughed quietly while Thomas just gave us a confused look.

"You'll know soon," I said patting him on the back. After fixing my coat and my dress underneath, I put my heels on and that was when I said goodbye both to Kate and Thomas.

"Promise to FaceTime with us sometime, alright?" Thomas shouted before I took a step out of the plane. I laughed and gave them a thumbs-up and I descended from the plane. I took a deep breath as minutes past and I'm close to meeting my foster family for the whole year.

Miss Carmichaels left me alone as she was to take care of the other students and I agreed since it's a perfect way to practice being independent once in awhile. I went straight to fetch my suitcases and I pull my coat closer to me. London weather is way different from the sunny California I was used to.

Just when I was about to carry my suitcase down, a guy in a cream sweater and dark jeans beat me to it and then gave me a smile when I looked up to him. He had a beanie and shades on, classic disguises for someone as famous as him. I returned a smile and he reached his hand out.

"You must be Jennifer Casey, obviously from the pictures we've seen of you already," he said and I laughed a little. "Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson."


Pics of Jen at the side ->

So..........what do you guys think? Is it okay to start with? Comment below what your suggestions/reactions are! :-) I'm sorry it's still short but hey, it's just Chapter 1 anyway, right? Plus I'll only post Chapter 2 after this chapter receives at least 5 votes! Thank you for readiiiiiiiing!

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