(7) Trip To The Grocery.

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☺ Jen's POV 

Despite Harry's invitation to ride with him, I had to ride with Louis and the twins and it was enjoyable to the fact that I had listened to them singing over some Hannah Montana songs. "Singing runs in the family, I see," I told them just in time before we parked outside the store. 

I see Harry and Zayn's cars park beside us while the twins were arguing about something I didn't hear. "No fighting," Louis warned the two and they instantly stopped talking and apologized. I should learn how to do that to at least discipline my younger sister and brother. 

The four of us step out of the car together to meet the rest of the boys at the entrance. They pass Louis a beanie and shades to act as a what I call a 'poor' disguise before we head in. Fortunately, only a few people were there. 

I held each Daisy and Phoebe's wrist and volunteered to take them while the boys look around. "Here's money to whatever they're going to buy and some for you, too," Louis said while he hands me money, "and I got your number from Lottie if you don't mind just in case." 

I give him a thumbs up before we head to the twins' favorite aisle, the baking stuff section. I watch the two do their thing while I lean against our cart and give opinions once in awhile on what they're going to buy. "Guess who?" 

He covered my eyes with his hands and despite my failed attempts of pushing it away, he didn't let go so I did what I'm good doing at. I pinched him on the wrist and he cursed when he let go. I turned around to see Harry rubbing the spot where I pinched him. "What was that for?"

"You didn't let go." I folded my arms in front of me and smirked at him. "Was that even necessary?" I nodded.

The twins then ran to me again and asked for my opinion if whether they'll buy the sprinkles or the chocolate chips. Instead of answering, I pointed at Harry. "Why me?" he muttered. He ended up picking the chocolate chips and five minutes after, the twins were finished with their shopping.

Harry accompanies us towards the cashier when I remembered something. "Stay, I'm just gonna go get something," I said in a hurry before I rushed to the dairy section. I think I even heard Harry bark as a joke. I got a half-gallon of Ben and Jerry's cookies and cream flavor, and then rushed next to the candies section to get myself some gummy bears. 

"Hey," Niall said when I passed by him and I stopped in my tracks to wave. He was at the alcohol section and he was staring at some bottles on the shelf. He even had his thumb under his chin. "Need anything?" He glanced at me as he waits for my answer.

"Um, I'll just try anything you're going to have." He looks taken aback with my answer but just replied to me with a smile instead. As soon as he went back concentrating at the bottles, I made a mad dash to the cashier who, just in time, was bagging some of the twins' grocery. 

"Someone's got a sweet tooth," Harry teased when I put my ice cream and candies down. I just stuck out a tongue at him and proceeded to pay the cashier, who in my guess was in her late sixties, our expense. 

She looks at Harry and I then gives us a huge yet warm grin. "You two remind me very much of my husband and I when we were at your age," she started saying, "so young and in love." 

I glanced at Harry who was smirking at me. "We're not a couple," I explained. Her mouth form into a small 'o' and then she quickly apologized for her mistake. "No worries," Harry reassured her.

She mutters something under her breath but we didn't hear what it was. We join the twins near the entrance as we waited for the others. "Didn't you buy anything?" Us three glanced at Harry who has his arms folded in front of him and probably staring at something, I don't know because it was hard to see where he was looking with his shades.

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