Chapter Nine - Little Bird

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The boys took me out to Nando's for lunch. Niall seemed excited, but I didn't see the big deal. No, I've never been to Nando's but it's just a restaurant. Food is food.

"I don't see what the bid deal is. It's just a restaurant," I said on the car ride there after listening to Niall's excitement.

"It's the most amazing restraunt you'll ever go to!" Niall exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I stared out the window at the passing cars and buildings on the side of the road. People were walking along, some holding hands. It made me think of Jacob; I sighed and turned away from the window.

"You alright?" Liam asked from the passengers seat.

"Fine, thanks," I lied. I wasn't fine. I was unhappy. I missed Jacob, and I knew I could easily get him back, but the thing was that I didn't want him back. But, at the same time, I did. I'm scared he'll hurt me again. I do have trust issues and I easily lose trust, and Jacob had most my trust, and he threw it all away.

"You sure?" Zayn asked from the row of seats behind me.

"Positive," I lied again.

We got to Nando's shortly after and huried inside. The place was completely dead, only with some workers behind the counter. They looked bored out of their minds, yet perked up a bit when they noticed us. 

"Hello again, Mr. Horan." A woman smiled at Niall.

"Hi!" he chimed. "Sit down guys, I'll order." 

We all walked over to a booth and sat down. I stared out the window at passing people, completely ignoring the conversation going on around me. 

Niall came back not long later with our food. He set it down in front of us, then sat across from me. I really wasn't very hungry, so I just poked at it.

I heard the ding of the door as it opened and closed behind us. I didn't really care or bother to see who was there, until I heard the voice.

"Could I just get a soda?"

My head flung around the booth and I stared over at the counter. There stood Jacob. He looked as if he'd been crying; he looked so sad. The smile he once had was gone, his usually stuck up hair was flat against his head.

The lady handed him a drink and he turned around. As he was turning, he saw me. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me; we both just stared at each other for a minute before I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone whisper in my ear, "Turn around."

I took one last glance at Jacob before turning back into the table. The five boys were looking at me with painful expressions and I saw that Harry was the one who told me to turn around. I gave the boys a weak smile before actually starting to eat, watching out of the corner of my eye as they all silently went back to eating their own food.

I inhaled deeply, the smell of the yummy food entering my nose. It wasn't a bad smell, but I wouldn't say I liked it.

Back Home.

I ignored the boys and ran up to my room the minute we got inside. I ignored them shouting up to me to come back and ran into my room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, the tears slipping down my cheeks. I didn't even know why I was crying, I just missed him. I missed his hugs. I missed his voice. I missed his smile. I missed his touch. I missed his kiss. I missed him.

My Babysitters Are Idiots // One Direction [Book 1: Idiot Series]Where stories live. Discover now