Chapter Twenty - My Sunshine

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We were sat outside the all too familiar hospital room. I didn't like the tension. It was hard and silent and my head heart from the patience I needed to have right now, but don't have.

I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to talk to the boys. I didn't want to move from my cold, uncomfortable hospital chair. All I wanted was Harry's smile; but I might never see that again.

"Can you please eat something, Mica?" Liam begged, trying to hand me the hospital sandwiches. I didn't move my stare from the floor. I didn't shake my head. I sat still, what I've been doing for the past six hours we were here.

And Louis was the exact same as me.

He wouldn't move, eat, talk, anything. As much as Niall tried to get him to.

"Where's Zayn?" Niall's voice rang out. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell he was worried. I could almost envision the way his eyebrows would furrow and raise, and his soft eyes would widen as he spoke.

Liam sighed, deciding to give up on trying to get me to move. "He's having another cigarette."

This was Zayn's, at least, 15th smoke since we got here. It really wasn't good for him, but I guess he's worried about his mate.

"Mica," Liam's voice whispered to me. "I know you're sad and everything, we all are, but could you please go over to Louis. He's taking this really hard," Liam begged me. "You guys, you get each other."

I thought for a minute about how hard this was on Louis. Louis and Harry were best mates.

I sighed before getting off my uncomfortable chair and walking over to Louis. For the first time since we got here, Louis moved, as did I. He looked up at me with red, tired eyes, pleading eyes as he opened his arms for me, his bottom lip quivering slightly. I could tell he was tensing to stop himself from crying, and I could tell how much he wanted to cry.

I smiled softly and walked closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on to his lap.

"Harry will be alright," I whispered to Louis. "I know he won't go, I know it."

Just then, the door to Harry's hospital room opened and a doctor walked out, a clipboard tightly held in his hand.

"Harry pulled through," he simply said. Smiles quickly plastered on all our faces as Louis hugged me close again, squeezing my hips lightly. 

"He is in a lot of pain. We had to stitch his wrists," the doctor carried on, "could I speak with Ms. Adams and Mr. Tomlinson?" he then asked.

Louis and I looked at each other, before we stood up and walked over to the doctor. My heart raced and I could only imagine what he had to say to Louis and I.

"He seemed to mention you two a lot, is he closest with you?" he asked. Louis and I looked at each other again.

"I guess he kinda is, yeah." Louis shrugged.

"I need you two to help him the most, then. Keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself again?" he said it, but it came out as more as a question. His eyes darted between the two of us and the deep green shade in them reminded me of Harry.

"We can do that." I nodded. "Can we see him?" 

Louis looked down at me with a worried expression, but I ignored it.

"I'm pretty sure he's sleeping, once he woke up and talked a bit, he fell asleep again. But just you two can go in, I guess." He shrugged, shooting us both a wary, tired look.

My Babysitters Are Idiots // One Direction [Book 1: Idiot Series]Where stories live. Discover now