The aftermath

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"Excuse me?" It was Newt this time.

I wriggled away from Gally who was now frozen. "That's my name! Kitara. I remember it now!" I said with a smile plastered to my face. Everyone seemed to be shocked at the turn of events, as was I. 

"Well get ready for defense classes Kit". Newt said


From then on the nickname stuck. I was still disappointed about the defense classes, but I knew it was the best for me. This week I could finally try out the jobs. Runner and builder seemed interesting to me, but to be honest I don't know how Gally felt about me. I figured he was still mad over the whole ordeal with his man card when I first arrived. It couldn't of been easy being beaten by a girl when you were supposed to me the tough guy. He was also my self-defense teacher so he couldn't of liked the extra load of work plus the cottage he had to make for me. 

Today I would be trying out the track-hoes in the morning and med-jacks in the afternoon. The morning was pretty silent for the most part. Newt showed me around and taught me how to plant the seeds for the next batch of crops. Except I still couldn't shake the feeling that I knew Newt before I got here. 

After lunch I headed over to the med-jack tent. Everyone was super nice, especially Clint who was the keeper. Nothing much was happening, but then we heard a bunch of screams outside and we rushed to see what the problem was. 

The first thing we saw was Gally holding a wall. Literally he had the framework for a new wall weighing on hid shoulders. Below him was a boy who was holding his ankle. Gally was yelling at him to get out of the way. I could tell that the wall was straining him. Everybody seemed to be frozen as if time had stopped. But I leapt into action. I seemed to be second nature to me. I guess when it came to fight or flight I chose fight. I grabbed the ailing boy by his arms and dragged him form underneath the shadow of a falling wall. Just in time. Gally was gasping for air and I was grateful that I had gotten the boy out in time. 

"Hey, It'll be okay..." I realized I didn't know his name. 

"Will" He breathed out. 

"Will. Its gonna be okay well just get you patched up and back to work in no time." I stated trying to keep him calm.

"No you can take all the time you need. Please and time away from work is a blessing." He chuckled.

"Hey!'' Gally had finally broken from his trance. "If you wouldn't have been a clumsy prick none of this would have happened. You will get back to work when I say so." He was furious and for no good reason. 

"Whoa Gally calm down, we will have him patched up as soon as possible. Just let it slide!" Clint attempted to take control of the situation. But, to no avail.

"Let it slide!? LET IT SLIDE!?" His ears were bright red again and he looked like he was about to blow. 

I quickly got up and strode over to Gally. "Hey, it was an accident so cool yourself okay. You have no right. Now shut it." By the end I had taken on a very aggressive tone. Gally let out a huff and walked to the deadheads.

"Holy klunk", one of the workers said. "I have never seen anyone take control of Gally like that before. You must still have you crown on, because he listens to you." I looked around and everyone seemed to be in bewilderment. I tried to brush it off and went back to Will. Everyone finally snapped out of their trances and helped me. Clint taught me how to bandage up a broken ankle and I think I did pretty good if I do say so myself. 

At dinner I sat with Chuck again but this time Newt joined us. 

"Hey I heard you blew out the Gally fire." He joked.

"I don't see why its such a big deal. I just told him to shut it." I said replaying the memory back in my head. 

"If you say so Kit, but I think you have magical powers." 


Hey guys! Let me know if you are enjoying the story! Feel free to leave questions you have for me in the comments! 

Why do you think Kit remember Newt?!?! Oooo cliff hanger... sort of ...idk...ok bye 

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