The Reveal

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I woke up in my bed with the covers pulled up. The last thing I remember was seeing Gally put down the axe. Did he bring me here? My cheeks got hot at the thought. Then I remembered my dream about Newt. It was all just so confusing. 

I got out of bed and went to the homestead to grab a glass of water. I opened the door to the mess hall and was greeted with everyone eating breakfast. I didn't realize how late it was. I grabbed some food and looked for a table. I saw Chuck sitting with some people that looked familiar. I walked over and took a seat. 

"Hey Kit!", said Chuck. "This is Thomas and Minho. They're runners!" He looked like a little kid in a candy shop when he talked about them 

"Hey nice to meet you. I hear people are calling you the Gally Tamer. Pretty impressive for a Greenie." Minho joked. I just rolled my eyes.

"Maybe he has the hots for her." Said Thomas

"Don't you have a maze to get lost in?" I asked them.

"Unfortunately, yes" And with that they got up and left.

"Hey have you talked to Newt yet today? He keeps looking over at you." Chuck said. I turned around and saw Newt staring at me. Right as I made eye contact he got up and walked over to me. 

"Kit can I borrow you for a second" Newt seemed nervous. 

"Uhhh sure." We walked outside and headed toward the deadheads.

"Listen Kit, umm well I had a dream last night. And well we don't have dreams."

"What do you mean?" I was confused to say the least. 

"Dreams are considered memories, and those were all taken away." So my dream was a memory, but it doesn't make any sense. Why did I have a memory of Newt? Why was he dead?

"You were in my dream Kit. They were trying to separate us from each other. We were in this room with white walls. And there was this lady who seemed tone directing everyone. She said something about siblings. Kit. . .  I think you're my sister."

I didn't know what to say. The more I thought about it the more it made sense. We did look alike. We had the same nose and eyes. We talked with that funny accent. 

"I had a dream too", I started. "You were in it. I was tied down to a table but I escaped and ran down the hall. I found you in a tube of some sort." I paused. "You looked dead." 

We were both silent. What did this mean? If we were siblings why did they tell us? Why put us together?

"Do you think we should tell anyone?" I asked him.

"I think for now we keep it a secret. I don't know this is crazy. I always hoped that my family was out there somewhere and now you're here." He was getting teary eyed. "My own sister, in the flesh."

We embraced each other. This was amazing. I had a brother! 

"Okay we keep it a secret for now but I think we need to eventually tell someone. I mean this could explain why I'm here, right." Pieces were starting to unfold. 

"Fine, we wait until at least the next green comes. Deal." 



Today I was working with the slicers and builders. I was really nervous to see Gally again and I hoped it wouldn't be awkward. I walked over to where the builders were and found Gally hovering over some blueprints. I headed toward his direction to see what we were building today.

"Hey Kit. Ready to get to work?" He seemed to be in a good mood today. I smiled thinking about our conversation last night. He smiled back and I could tell he was thinking about the same thing. "I thought it was fitting that we would start your room today since you were helping us."

"Sounds good to me." I leaned over to look at the blueprints. Something seemed off about it. Then I realized that I could build the same structure with less wood and it would be more sturdy. I took that pencil that was tucked behind Gally's ear and made my changes to the blueprints. "Why don't we do it this way?" I asked feeling proud of myself. I couldn't read his facial expressions. I began to second guess myself. I took the pencil and started erasing my marks, "or not, I mean your plan was good too." 

"No! You're brilliant! I would of never thought to do it that way." Hey grabbed my hand so that I would stop erasing the marks. He held my hand for just a millisecond longer than was needed. My cheeks heated up as he rolled up the blueprints. 

We set out to build my room just on the other side of the Homestead. Far enough away that there would be no pervs lurking and close enough that I could call for help if I ever needed it. Not that I would, it was Gally's idea. 

"Kit you need to be close in case some guy gets in your room!" he argued.

"You teach me self-defense, you know how good I am." And with that he shut up. Self-defense classes had turned more into a competition instead of a learning experience. But I was perfectly fine with that. I realized that our classes wouldn't be the same since our conversation. Once again my cheeks began to burn up. Why did they always do that?! I mean Gally's just friend right? I glanced over at his shirtless body as he hauled wood. Man, did he ever wear a shirt? I wasn't so sure anymore what I felt for Gally. 

"Like what you see princess?" I hadn't noticed that I was staring at Gally the whole time I was thinking. He smirked at me.

"Just imaging those wood planks crushing your ego, but that doesn't seem like it will be happening soon. Unfortunately." I shot back. He put a hand on his chest and pretended to be hurt.

"Ouch Kit, you better get to work or one of these planks will 'accidentally' fall on you" We both chuckled and got back to work in a comfortable silence. 

By lunch time we had the floor and all of the walls up. They were going to finish the roof and the door after lunch. But I was stuck with the Slicers. I was not excited and Gally could tell. 

"Slicers huh, have fun smelling poop all afternoon." I gave him a nasty look and went back to my grilled cheese sandwich. "Too bad too, you make a pretty good builder."

"Pretty good? Come on, Im amazing at it, and you know it!" 

"Now who has the big ego?"

I Will Not Fear - Gally fanficWhere stories live. Discover now