Pt. 1

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I live in East L.A. and it has seemed to harden me in some ways, sirens don't spook me, people in dark hoodies no longer freak me out, and in-school turf wars are a daily thing. I moved here with my mother from a little southern town on the east coast about a year and a half ago, and let's just say I didn't get the greatest welcoming. we moved into a run-down motel with a giant garbage can where the pool was supposed to be, the room was damp and dark, and we had at least three homeless guys sleeping right outside our back window. School still feels like the first day, no friends, no point, and never ends.

My mom got a promotion from lowly secretary to personal assistant of the CEO of a giant company with companies in more than 50 countries. I have a good relationship with her but she has started to work more since my dad passes away 5 years ago, the move had strained the relationship more, the stress of moving all our possessions over 2,000 miles, and losing my three best friends. My home town was the one place I felt... Whole, I felt like time was passing with me not like here where time seems to move faster while I move at the same pace as ever.

" GO LIGHTNING'S" the cheerleaders chanted in the cafeteria I had never liked sports or the people who supported them. The school was the typical mixture of ethnicity, of freaks, nerds, and jocks. The old rat race where everyone wants to be known, where they'd do anything to be cool. I think the reason I haven't made friends is that no one knows what slot I fit into, I'm like the hexagon they're trying to squeeze into the square or round hole. I have a very earthy look, lots of browns, greens, and oranges but my personality is like the quote flit like a flower sting like a bee, I'm unnoticeable until I'm mad.

"Sef! Can you answer this question?" Mr. Archer asked.

I snapped out of my daydream, glanced at the board and replied "-6.36903" 

I was right of course everyone had gotten over that I never used a calculator, or even brought my work to class, my dad was great at math and he taught me algorithms before I could walk. I am in advanced calculus, though I only have to attend to get the credits, most times I just sleep or doodle.

You may wonder about my name "sef" well it's not really my name my name is Persephone but the teachers shorten it cause it's hard to yell my whole name. My mother said my father named me for my great aunt but I tell people I changed it when I was 16.

The bus ride home takes about an hour if I catch the early bus. even though the apartment is small my room has become a haven, the only place my moms' jungle hasn't spread, she has a major green thumb.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry it's kinda slow it's only an intro~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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