Pt. 3

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 It was a regular Friday morning when mom broke the news, I was eating my egg-free butter-free gluten-free waffles while mom trimmed and watered her plants, her boss Mr. Leto had invited my mother and me to a charity fundraiser for inner-city orphans. Of course, it would be work for my mother and I would be there to help tend to the younger children who were showcased as sad and hungry. Mr. Leto had also arranged for us to get outfits for the occasion so we wouldn't stick out, mom gave me $300 and said I should go pick out something to wear after school. I shoved the money in my back pocket and grabed my backpack to go catch the bus, I kissed my mother on the cheek and without a word left the small jungle like apartment.

I arrived at school at an early hour every day to avoid the crowds at the gates and also to bypass the idiots making out on my locker every morning, usually when I get to school that early the only people around are those in clubs and teachers but on Fridays clubs don't practice in the morning so I was shocked when I rammed right into the back of Alex. I had my head down doodling in my note pad and hadn't sensed someone in front of me.

" Oh, hey there Sef sorry about that. I was thinking about something and stopped in the middle of the hall." Alex said with a big grin on his face, he looked down at my note pad " seems like you were a little distracted to hey..." he cut off halfway through and was looking over my head. 

" I gotta go! see you at the fundraiser" he jogged off ahead.

I glanced behind me and I saw Haden standing down the hall looking my way, he swiftly turned and made his way to some unknown hiding place. I ignored him and returned my attention back to my doodle, there was now a big line in the center of my tiger lily so I ripped it out and threw it in the trash at the end of the hall. I had only made it a few feet when I heard a rumble then a loud clang behind me, but as I slowly turned I caught a glimpse of the trash can lid upside down on the floor quickly swooping around I saw one single tiger lily standing tall out of the trash can but this tiger lily had a black line staining the petals it looked exactly like the doodle I had just tossed away. I backed away slowly hearing footsteps coming towards me I walked backward until I could no longer see the lone lily and immediately after headed for the drama room. The drama room was never locked because the teacher was a free spirit of sorts and believed that locking the door locked out all the positive universe juice. Awe-struck by what just happened I examined my note pad again and saw nothing strange about it looked just like the other forty-two I had in my room. I took my pen and made a simple sketch of a ladybug, then I ripped out the page and threw it about two feet away from me. Nothing happened for a little bit but just as I was about to pick it up it started to glow a hue of gold lined the paper for a second then stopped, after starring at it for a few seconds I saw a small movement of the page. From the page, a small ladybug climbed to the highest point of the crumpled paper and took flight into the air. I flipped back through the pages of my note pad and found a doodle of an embellished pen tore it out and set it beside me the glow appeared again and when it faded away I lifted the sheet of paper to find a pen just as I had drawn it down to the very last pearl. I quickly gathered my note pad and new pen and headed to my first class, but first I doodled a small flower and when it materialized I placed it my hair.

Finding joy in my note pad the first few blocks had passed relatively fast, but on my way to English class, I passed through the teachers' lot again only this time there was only the boy from the basketball team sitting at the tables.

"Well-well look who it is" he said eyeing me up and down while standing in a cowboy-about-to-take-part-in-a-shoot-off stance. I attempted to wedge myself between him and the wall to slip by but he caught my arm and quickly raised it above my head effectively knocking my flower out from behind my ear. 

" Where do ya' think you're going missy?" he said his smug grin seeping into his voice.

There was a quick jolt followed by a whimper of pain from behind me then a smooth voice whispered.

"Let her go" my arm was quickly dropped and I moved to avoid it being grabbed again. Haden had the basketball kid by the hair and now had pushed him to his knees, and without missing a beat I headed off to my English class without looking back.

English class moved at a snail's pace and before long half of the class was either asleep or still discussing Frankenstein with the teacher who looked as interested as the stoner kids in the back. I had looked away from my note pad for a few seconds when the teacher dropped his coffee on the ground rousing most of the class, but when I looked back down I found my flower on my desk with a note it read: " I didn't peg you for a pomegranate blossom kind of girl". I looked around for any clue as to who had put the flower on my desk but I was seated next to the window on the third floor and the person in the desk next to me was never in class, nor did anyone else in the vicinity have the time to place it there without me seeing.

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