Pt. 2

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Senior year, at last, mum said that when I graduate high school she is going to send me to visit our home town for the summer. When I told my three best friends, Cloe; Lacey; Natalia, they started planning what we're going to do, but their plans are always changing. The school year has one semester left but it feels like the year has just begun.

"watch where you're going freak!" said Heather Winder, the head cheerleader and all around queen bee, as she pushed into one of the math team members in her way. She was part of the "IN" crowd which contained the captain of the basketball team Alexander, his brother Parker captain of the swim team, the Lacrosse captain Anne, and Heather. They were the kid that everyone else wanted to be, and they got away with everything just because they were the state champions.

I made my way past her making sure not to get in her way and slipped out the side doors, it was my personal short cut through the teachers parking lot. Unfortunately, it also passes by the teachers' benches which became a hang out for the not-so-into-school kids. On a normal day I pass by with no issue but every so often they call out to me and try and get me to give them money, but I'm on our schools' card system so it doesn't work. Alex and Parkers have another brother, Haden, who hangs out back here he's more of a play-by-his-own-rules kind of guy.

Our School is better off than some in our area of town, but that's because of our sports program. The card system is an electronic card that you pay for and you can use it to buy lunch or stuff from vending machines, its kind of like an in school debit card. The more money your parents put on the card the more you can buy and vice versa. 

Today there was something big going on at the benches and I had stopped to take a look, two of the boys had gotten into a fight over something spread over the ground. The fight was between Haden And one of the Basketball players, I tried to see what was on the papers on the ground and it was pictures of a girl in different places. I got pushed out the way before I could get a good look at her. I made my way passed the group and headed off to English.

On Wednesdays, after class, I have a free period before the end of school so I head home early. Making my way to the bus stop I saw the basketball player Haden was fighting with, he got away with only a few cuts and a black eye. He was starring at me though so I picked up my pace.

Me and my mother were both home tonight since it was her day off, I had a vegan diet whenever she was home but as soon as she had to go back to work it was steak and potatoes. Tonight was an organic spinach salad with garbanzo beans and vinaigrette. My mother had always been a health freak and her boss had been forced to eat healthy because of it. Mums boss, Mr.Leto, was actually a nice guy I meet him frequently, but his three sons are Alex, Parker, and Haden. Mr.Leto hoped we would become friends and even got me into the school to try and get us closer.

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