Chapter 3: New School

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Ello PPL! Third Chapter Got Deleted, so this chapter has had problemos. Please comment if you think I should continue this story. Well enough of my babbling, continue with the story!



I woke up irratated. With still closed eyes, I threw my alarm clock at the wall on the other side of the room which resulted with it shattering to the floor in pieces.

After a long argument with myself, I decided to get out of bed and ready for school. I headed towards the bathroom and saw the bird nest of a hair I had, plus the disgusting smell of morning breath which would scare off anyone to atleast stay a 10 ft distance of me.

I quickly brushed my hair & brushed my teeth after taking a 10 minute shower, using my favorite ocean breeze shampoo and conditioner.

I blow dried my hair and left it in curly waves down my back. I wore high-waisted skinny jeans with a black loose Nike crop top that said "Just Do It ✅" matched with my Armani black leather jacket and a few bracelets. Then, I put on some navy and white janoski's.

I quickly took ahold of my backpack and put my phone in my back pocket before heading downstairs into the kitchen, where I saw Day & aunty talking while eating scrambled eggs with bacon. I love bacon.

"BACCCCOOONNNNNNN!!" I screamed into the cold morning air in the kitchen. While my aunt and Day just simply chuckled at my behavior.

"Your such a child." Day said, still chuckling. I stuck my tongue out at him like a kid.

"OK Dayton, stop making trouble to your cousin because she needs to eat before she leaves for school." Aunty said

"Whatever mom" he grumbled back. I rolled my eyes at his stupidness. (A/N: Sorry for my fake word 👍)

-~-Time skip by me! Mwuahahah¡¡!¡¡-~-

I followed behind Day on my bike while he rode his. We finally reached school and in the parking lot seemed to stand the whole entire school.

I noticed that now, all eyes where on me but I didn't mind, I was used to being very 'interesting' to civilization.

I saw girls pulling down their shirts to show off more cleavage when practically, their whole set of boobs where already showing on full display. 'They think I'm a guy. Mwuahahah.'

While obviously the guys are glaring at me like I stole their most prized possessions.

After I parked next to Day, he got off his bike and after a while of just looking around with my helmet still on, sitting on my bike. I stood up from my bike and took off my helmet.

It all seemed in slow motion until I shook my hair and looked back up the crowd which seemed to look like the girls & guys completely switched roles.

Now, guys are looking at me from head to toe, carelessly checking me out with lustful eyes.

While these girls are giving me death glares full of hate & pure jealousy. I swear, if looks could kill, I would be 6ft under by now.

As I walked toward the school doors, the students seemed to split like the red Sea for me to pass through. Guys are watching my every move, mumbling things like "I call dibs," "I would totally fuck her brains out," or "damnnn, I would hit her up anyday."

Meanwhile, girls are 'whispering' about me like "she's such a slut". 'Bitch, look in the mirror. Don't forget your skank friends too.'

"Who the fuck does she think she is" the girl who said this stands at about 5'3" without her high heels, but with heels on, it makes her a few inches taller but still shorter than me. I'm 5'7" not that tall but not too short either.

Compared to me right now shes only about an inch shorter. Her height goes with a skirt thats barely covering her ass.

A shirt 2 sizes to small for her size 'D' boobs that would probably suffocate a person.

I abruptly stopped in my place and spun around, quickly walking up to her bitchass. (A/N: My friends and I always call each other a 'bitchass' 😉)

"I think, wait scratch that, I know, that I am a real person with a real body while your a plastic ass barbie that probably had to get hundreds of plastic surgeries to have a nice *cough cough* fake *cough* 'body'." I sassily said to her before turning on my heel, walking into hell.

My computer broke so I'll try updating on my phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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