Chapter 8: Lucky?

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Well guys, I'm back and better than ever! Sorry for leaving you guys on that long ass cliffhanger. Don't get too mad at me. Now that it's over, here's the chapter y'all have been waiting for :) This honestly did not take more than a week it was all because i had to start packing due to the fact that i'm moving in about 2 weeks. So yea, sorry for the delay. I'm also sorry for the short chapter. I promise that Chapter 9 will be longer.


3rd Person Pov

She swerved just in time to not crash into any cars. You would think that she was quite lucky. However, a split second after when she swerved, she sped right down a mini 4 foot slope and crashed into the tree.

A few cars that were behind her that had witnessed the crash quickly pulled over to the side to check if she was alright. I mean who wouldn't? The person that crashed could have been in critical condition.

One of those people coincidentally was the notorious and cocky Bryant. The group of 9 people quickly rushed to the rescue. Bryant and another man had pulled her out while a couple ladies called the police while another man had called a tow truck. Most of you are probably thinking, why are so much people calling the police? Well, the more reports there are, the more urgency the situation contains.

Dani had shards of glass lodged into her forehead and overall, all over from the arms and up. She had pretty much looked like a bloody mess. The most gruesome sight however would have to be the bone that stuck out painfully out of her arm. It had looked as if her bone had snapped in half.

Three ladies threw up at the sight while a pair containing a man and woman just gagged. Well, you couldn't exactly blame them. It was a horrible thing to see.

A short while after, the ambulance had arrived. They had asked if anyone knew the name of the patient and Bryant immediately answered saying, "Dani Ramos."

The paramedics nodded their heads then carefully placed Dani onto the stretcher, into the ambulance, and drove off. Bryant may have had been a quite a egotistical bitch but he did have a heart.

Bryant watched painfully as the vehicle slowly drove further and further away from him and where he stood. He may had not been in love with her but he sure as hell was attracted to her. She was part of a handful of people, hell, less than a handful of people that had resisted his charms and rejected him.

He treaded toward his car and slowly got in. He knew that she had only been here for a couple days and to think that this sort of accident had occurred to her first week here, would have had to been bad.

He hadn't known her long but he was still in a state of worry. Of course, he did not visit the hospital due to the fact that he didn't even know the name of the place where she was being hospitalized. Bryant than drove home in a daze.

After he had arrived, he walked through the door where his mom welcomed him home. However, he had just ignored her and silently continued to walk up the stairs and straight into his room. He laid on his bed, head full of thought and worries of Dani but he quickly drifted off to sleep after a very long day.

-At the hospital- *Still 3rd person POV*

The doctors quickly took her into the OR where they took out the pieces of glass one by one. They then continued to operate on her arm until the operation on the young girl was over. They had already notified her guardian, Aunt Joyce, who quickly rushed to the hospital with her son Dayton.

Aunt Joyce and Dayton had finally arrived and were guided into Dani's room where she laid on the hospital bed asleep with lots of bandages around her. Aunt Joyce broke down into tears while holding Dani's hand. Dayton had a sorrowful look on his face while he consoled his mother, later taking her into a hug while telling her that Dani was okay and that she shouldn't worry too much.

The night continued on as Dayton and Aunt Joyce later had to leave do to visiting hours being over. They left with a quick "bye" and "get well soon" to Dani before exiting the room and then later exiting the hospital itself.


Okay, so guys, the thing about the reports and the more urgency thing was just how I feel it is. I just feel that help would arrive faster in those conditions. I honestly don't know why so correct me if i'm wrong xD Well guys, again, sorry about the hella short chapter, I promise that chapter 9 will be longer. It is honestly like 4am here rn XD

Kay bye~,


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