Chapter 7: Free Day & Seeing HIM again

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Lmao guys, I was wondering why people were still commenting when I thought I posted this chapter already. It's short but I try. So republish?

As I parked my car a good distance from the gym, there were a couple creeps that were seemingly checking me out. Or observing me at the least?

As soon as I entered the gym, the smell of sweat and nausea hit me right in the face.

I walked up to the worker and asked if I could join the gym and become a member. All I got was something with a "yes" and a complement.

"Yes, beautiful woman whom I've never met."

"May I just join please? I need to let off some steam but I'll give you some points for trying." I said with a chuckle

"Thou shouldst dateith me."

"I think you should reread some Shakespeare if your going to use it as a pick-up line."

He hands me my card and muttered something along the lines of, "I'll have better luck next time" with an annoyed look on him. I'm pretty sure hes mad at himself because in the end he doesn't make sense.

I walked further into the gym until stopping next an awkwardly standing dude, only to look around only to find the last lone punching bag in a far right corner.

The dude next to me followed my gaze then looked directly into my eyes in which I followed.

I took off toward the bag with Mr. Awkward following close behind me. Once I got to the punching bag first, I did my victory dab and laughed in Mr. Awkward's face. What can I say? I am the bad girl right?

He disappointedly walked away. Probably drowning in his sorrow while I started punching the shit out of the bag with an awkward triumphant smile stuck onto the lips of my wonderful face, as I'm told.

-Skip 2 De finish ;) (Her punching, if your confused¿)-

I hurriedly changed in the locker room which was the men's. Apparently there isn't a female locker room. I hear sexist.

But, I obviously was changing in the stall of course, but due to because some specific people doubt it, I need to verify it. I don't go whoring around like some people. *wink wink*

As I walked out of the men's bathroom stall, I ran into Mr. Awkward in which I realized was Mr. Player or the original name of "Mr. Heartbreaker." Que Taylor Swift song.

I guess I didn't originally see his face since I only looked into his eyes? But I was focused on reached the punching bag first so don't blame me. He was talking to me I guess but I was too deep in thought to listen to his gibber gabber.

"Are you listening at all?"

"Hm?" This was my all so great reply to the guy that is usually mean, and tries to hit on me.

"Forget it sweetheart." Whatever than.

"Little did you know how i'm never listening to the likes of you," I sang with the same tone as the song, "Little Did You Know-Alex & Sierra."

"Little did you know that you smell like poo." I sang again. I'm sorry to say that i'm talented I guess.

"Ha ha ha. So hilarious. I just took a shower!" He exclaimed.

"You don't smell like it, where did you take a shower? The dump?" I replied back. I know, my comebacks aren't A1 but hey, at least I don't get all of my comebacks from the internet.

He didn't reply, simply chuckling like a lil hoe. -_- Then he leaves me to stand awkwardly alone in front of the stall.

I left the gym and got into my car driving hazily. Whats wrong with me? I closed my eyes for not even a second, but I opened them to see a truck driving straight towards me at full speed.

All of a sudden, i'm wide awake. My eyes popped out of my skull, freaking myself out as I thought what could become of me. I finally got control of my thoughts and quickly swerved.



Well guys, its short but here it is. I'm a very busy person but i'll try to update this at least once a week. So please don't get mad at me if the chapters are short. Of whales. Sorry baes. I'm trying my best ;c

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