Chapter 5: Bored

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So, I'm Going To Try To Make Chapters Longer Now. But Here & There, WILL Be Short Ones. I'll Try To Update Atleast Once A Week. SoYeh, Deuces.


When I arrived at home, I was greeted with utter silence. I guess that aunty must of have still been at school, did I not mention that she was the principal? Even if we did get in trouble at school, we probably would get punished at home.

No pity given. None, nada, zero.

Aunty can be a little scary, who am I kidding?, she's scary in so many ways. Her glares practically tell you to go dig your grave now because you're gonna die.

Her yelling scares the absolute shit out of you, to the point your scared shitless. Don't get me started on what happens if you don't wash the ice before you use it with a drink.

It's pretty obvious that Day is probably at school or at a friend's house. Considering I ran out of school like it had some kind of disease that would spread and give me it.

Who could blame me? With so much date proposals, I could have a guy for each year until I'm 70. I'm probably exaggerating, or am I? Jk, Jk, or am I? Moving on..

I went up to my room, looking at the black and cyan interior. Two of my favorite colors. My king sized bed in the middle of the room with black comforters and cyan pillows. My black dresser on the left side, next to the wall. My also black nightstand on the right side of my bed with a cyan lampshade to go with my small black lamp.

If you're wondering how this room can fit all my stuff, this house is only 2 stories tall but it's quite big, not including the basement and attic of course.

The weird thing is that aunty and Day don't know about it. Weird huh? Like, why don't they know if this is their house?, Well, first off, they move into this house a near one in a half week ago.

For the attic, there's a hatch in my closet, behind my clothes where I can pull out a folding ladder and climb up. I made it my woMAN-cave. It's basically like a regular MAN-cave except since I'm a female, it's not a woMAN-cave.

It involves an x-box1, x-box360, ps3, & ps4. So there wouldn't be an arguement on what console is better or not. I have mostly games like CoD, or MW3. Any game for each console.

I mostly just play CoD or GTA 5. But I play some minecraft too. Just because I'm a badass doesn't mean that I can't like minecraft. Everyone likes minecraft. Well, atleast they should.

I sighed in bliss as I layed down on my silky, comfortable comforters. My mind drifted off into space with different thoughts flashing through my mind.

I thought about the events that played off today. All I know is that im not ready for a relationship now or ever. Atleast if I keep the thought of wanting to die alone in my mind for as long as I live, I should be fine.

Somewhere in between my thoughts for while, I drifted off into sleep. My mind clear of any thoughts.


I woke up from my wonderful dream of having a sweet date with Francisco Lachowski. I sighed happily as I recall my dream with such a beautiful human being. That man could just look at me with his dreamy eyes and I would die right there and then. Such a beautiful creature, talk about 50 shades of fine. (A/N: He does not play Bryant btw)

 (A/N: He does not play Bryant btw)

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I got out of bed to get ready. Taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth with my towel still rapped around my body, I got changed into high-waisted faded blue jeggings with a perfectly fitting crop top with a black jacket that I left unzipped & some white shoes that I randomly threw on.

If your wondering why I'm not wearing my leather jacket, I wasn't in the mood to search for it, and aunty was probably dry cleaning a few of my clothes.

If your wondering why I'm not wearing my leather jacket, I wasn't in the mood to search for it, and aunty was probably dry cleaning a few of my clothes

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I went downstairs and a note was taped to the fridge so I grabbed it and read it. It was just from aunty saying that she needed to head out early to school because of some meeting.

But aunty being the awesome woman she is, left bacon on the counter. So well, you probably already know about my addiction to bacon.

There was a whole plate full. I ate half of it & put the other half inside a ziplock, this my friend, will be my awesome lunch.

I didn't bother to leave any for Day because it's his fault for not coming down early.

I didn't want him to blow awesome fuse for not giving him bacon so I grabbed the plate & put it into the dish washer so he wouldn't know. Hehehehe. I'm evil, I know. Childish? Absolutely.

I went back upstairs for my phone and backpack. I gently put my beloved ziplocked bacon in the front pocket of my backpack before grabbing my keys and heading to the garage.

Since I didn't wear my leather jacket, I decided to use my baby. The lamborghini, not the motorcycle. I put my backpack into the passenger seat as I got in. I started the car and zoomed to hell.

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