Chapter 6

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Sorry I didn't update like I said I would. I'm very sowy. I cry evrytiem.😢😭 Im still arguing with myself about discontinuing this book. Bleu Bleh Blea Blaa!¡!¡! CONTINUING!


As I zoomed to hell in my lamborghini, my thoughts suddenly landed on one particular person and that person was 'Mr.Heartbreaker'. I don't really know why but whenever I try to think of something else he just reappears like, what in the flipping fuck is wrong with my mind.

Once I swerved into a random parking space I got out of my baby and walked into school like I knew where the fuck I was going. But who gives a flipping fuck, I'm just regularly bad not fully. I have a heart and it's not like a cold one. I may seem arrogant at times but I do care about society. Well enough of my blabbering. (A/N: I say flipping fuck too much lol)

People were looking at me wondering how I am, like if I'm pissed or some shi- shiz burger. Seriously, people need to mind their own fucking business, I'm trying to walk. But it's not like I want the attention even though I'm known to be very interesting in my book or any book ever. Every Imaginary book that is. I know I'm sad but I can cooperate.

Once I took a single step into school, the bell rang signalling us to head to class, me being a lazy ass I am walked sluggishly slow to my locker. Once I reached it the late bell rang but eh I'll just say I'm still lost. I know, I'm a boss.(Not really¿)

I put some things away to my locker that is a faded peach color or maybe it was maroon, I don't even really know or care. Maybe I do but I'm still badass with a WARM heart, cause bitches I don't have no cold heart, I would be 'FROZEN' like Anna in "Frozen," when Elsa froze her heart or some shit. Good movie. Very violent and shows how siblings can betray you and the people who u 'love' are actually hoes who have some evil as fuck plans. etc.


Here I am, in class, without detention! I am officially a ninja. I literally walked in to class like a boss and the teacher didn't even see me. He was in the front of the class while facing the class and the old dude didn't even see me. Skills bro. The feels.


The day seemed to pass by in a flash, like when a literal camera is on flash and all of a sudden your freaking blinded which leads to you closing your eyes and seeing everything different. Like what the fuck just happened? Wow colors. Heheh I don't even know. I'm eating alone at the moment in the far corner of the cafeteria.

The blond bimbo decides to join me by standing in front of me with a plate of chicken pasta and dumps it on my shirt but me loving this specific type of food ate it off my clothes because news flash, food should never be wasted even when dumped on you.

Since the entire cafeteria had all their attention on us, it seems like they looked at me as if I had two heads, seriously! I'm not joking, but damn. This pasta is heaven!

The sound of a throat being cleared got my attention of my precious food. I looked up to see an annoyed bimbo. I may be a bitch for calling her these things but I only judge people on how they act. So the way she acted towards me was me fighting back, fire with fire.

Again, I may be a bitch but everyone has a little bit of bewitch in them that comes it when someone strikes a nerve or just plainly being annoying.

After a long train of thought explaining myself, I walked out after finishing my delicious meal that was freely given to me. I went into the girl's bathroom and changed into my extra shirt I keep in case of emergencies like this.

As soon as I exited the bathroom, that cocky dude from the first day of school appears in front of me with a smirk. A smirk appointed towards me for reasons unknown.

I simply pushed him out of the way softly with a touch to the shoulder, walking past him quickly only to be caught by a pair of arms being rapped around my waist which just so happens to be connected to the devil himself, Bryant, I heard his name was.

Again pushing him out of the way and breaking out into a slow jog to get away from this boy who awkwardly didn't say anything at any point in that situation.

After I got into my lamborghini, I decided to speed home and then head to the gym.

I got into my car and sped to the gym after I retrieved a training bra and basketball shorts with my sports bag from home for spending the rest of my day at the gym to take off some steam that has been present for quite a while.


Sorry for the incredibly short chapter.. I feel like I needed to post something even if it is short. Idek guilt is eating the shit out of me. I dont know.. Im just making it slowly longer lol. Just updating slowlyyyyy. Oh Whales.🐋 Deuces

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