Chapter 4: Boring Day

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Me & Day walked into hell leaving everyone whispering and the blond bimbo obviously in shock, but people here and there were snickering at what I said. Serves her right, I thought.

This morning, aunt Joyce gave me my schedule because she wanted see the classes I had with Day.

Turns out we have the exact same schedule except for 4th period, I have woodshop & he has CTE/Energy.

I observed my schedule in my hand & read what I have first, after homeroom of course.

Homeroom-Ms. Luzier (Not Loser, Lu-Zi-Er)
Science-Mrs. Fernandez
History-Mrs. Tong
Gym-Mr. Watanabe (Wa-Ta-Na-Bae)
Woodshop-Mr. Dela Cuadra (Qua-dra)
Free Period
Algebra-Mrs. Fullmen

Ring Ring Ring

Day leads me to our homeroom and stops in front of a door that says 'S1', so this must be 'S' building. No shit sherlock.

He enters the class and sits next to someone that supposedly is named 'Nite' (Pronounced as 'night').

Day n nite..what. I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind..what. I look for peace but see I dont attain..what. Damn, I love that song.. (A/N: Day n Nite by Kid Cudi.. Just incase you wanted to know..)

He has brown hair, big green eyes with freckles here & there spread around his face. Hes overall hot and seems to be cool.

I didn't fully check him out, just his face. I was just standing at the door looking for a seat until the teacher comes in and tells me to introduce myself.

Eyes all focused on me, I cleared my thought and said "My name is Dani Ramos, my parents got fed up with me being expelled from way too many schools to count so they sent me here. I came from Hawaii. I'm nice, just don't get on my bad side. So yeah." I finish.

The teacher mumbles something to herself & says "is there anyone who would like to ask Ms. Ramos a question?"

A boy in the 3rd row lifted his hand up & asked a question that made all the boys in the class snicker, including Day.

That question was, "are you single?" I don't get what was so funny considering they don't stand a chance.

I flipped him the bird, (A/N: For those who dont know what flip the bird means.. Its basically giving them the finger. Specifically, the middle finger.) walked to the last open seat which seemed to of have been in the back of the class next to a boy who looked to be a player or some shit.

I avoided any more questions and sat next to the guy who seemed to be checking me out without even hiding it..

He held out his hand and said "hi, I'm sexy, but you, princess, can call me Bryant. But, sexy is fine too." Cocky bitch..

I scoff and replied, "I'm Dani as I said earlier, and out of your league." with sass.

Day & Nite must have heard it considering they started chuckling.

Did I mention that they sat in front of me? No? Well they do. Ugh, I thought, today's gonna be a long day.

-~-Time Skip 2 Lunch-~-

The day went on with me introducing myself to the class, getting hit on, saying a comeback, and the poor guy ends up embarrassed.

Me, Day, & Nite met up at homeroom so we could go to lunch together, no girls dared to even speak to me once.

I went into line and got a sprite with a plate of chicken pasta. Mmm.. I freaking love chicken pasta with all my heart.

If I were dying.. I would wanna eat pasta before I pass off into the next world. Which I hope is ChickenPastaWorld.

The day went on, if you were to ask me about how school went, I would have to say that it was pretty freaking boring.

When the dismissal bell rang, I headed out of school then went to sitting on my motorcycle.

I roared the engine to life and put on my helmet before I zoomed out of school to my new home. Not really, but you get what I mean.. Hopefully..

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