X I - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

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That's the first thought that popped in my mind when Daemon ever so suddenly crashed his lips against mine. All we did was argue and bicker as usual—and then suddenly, as if for a brief moment before it I had been in a trance, the next thing I know was that he was kissing me.

That was enough to surprise the living hell out of me.

But that's nothing.

What is worse is that I start kissing him back just as hard, my tongue darting in his mouth urgently, and vice versa.

Now that's surprising.

However, considering the fact that I am now Satan's right hand and that I just ripped Lina's heart out not an hour earlier, this should be nothing, either.

But it turns out to be something, alright, otherwise I would have stopped doing it by now.

A low growl emanates from the back of Daemon's throat as his one hand travels down to the hem of my dress that rests on my upper thigh. His other hand is cupping the back of my neck, fingers playing with my brown locks.

Slowly, I start leaning back until the back of my head touches the window of the passenger seat. He is now easily on top of me, and all of a sudden my car feels much too small. As if reading my thoughts, Daemon mutters through the kiss, "This car is too fucking small."

"You think?"

Daemon pulls away slightly, regained and composed, and snaps his fingers.

And we are on a bed.

"Where are w—" I start, but Daemon silences me with another kiss as he pins me down on the bed.

"Hush, now, my little Feia." I look up at his eyes and see that they are filled with unadulterated lust. "We're in my bedroom."

"This can't be good."

"I'll make it good." He grins at me mischievously and starts nipping at my bottom lip. One of his hands travel to my waist as his other one remains holding me down. "This dress is very troubling," He says, and rips it off with his bare hands. I gasp at the sudden chilliness and attempt to cover up my body, but to no avail. "Why are you trying to hide yourself, my sweet?"

I shrug sheepishly, but say nothing.

"Feia, you have nothing to hide from me. All of this—" He kisses my shoulders, stomach and thighs— "simply makes me want to take you right here, right now."

Instead of feeling embarrassed, I feel a smirk on my face. I flip him onto his back in a flash and he blinks hard in shock and disbelief. I dip my head down and whisper teasingly at him, "Maybe you should."

A smirk appears on Daemon's face as well and he flips me back so that I'm back under him, his muscular arms on both of sides of my head. "Maybe I will." He says, looking rather amused.

My hands move to his shirt in which, to be fair, he looks awfully good in. "You don't play fair, you know?" I clutch the shirt tight in my hands and bring him nearer to me. "You're not even topless," Ripping his shirt off, I can feel him tense on top of me—because he didn't expect me to do such a barbarian thing, maybe.

"My sweet, you can take any piece of clothing off of me."

"What's with all the nicknames beginning with 'my'?"

"It shows that you are mine, and mine only." He trails kisses along my jaws and nips at my earlobe.

"Well aren't you a possessive one."

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