X V - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

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"SO YOU'RE the infamous Lilith." I say, eyeing her up and down.

Lilith glares at me with her fierce, tiger-looking eyes. "And who might you be, dear?"

"Laufeia. Satan's right hand."

Her eyes flicker in amusement. "You?" She says, and turns to Daemon. "You have got to be kidding me, Hot Stuff." Lilith walks confidently towards him and starts tracing his jawline in a flirty manner. "Why choose her as a right hand when I'm all that you really need here in Hell?"

"Maybe because I don't screw every single object I see?" I retort, getting fed up with her underestimation and snide remarks. "Maybe because I actually get shit done? Maybe because I can kill so flawlessly and effortlessly?"

"Oh, you're so confident, aren't you?" Lilith mocks, putting her arms around Daemon. Though I feel the need to murder her outright, I keep everything all in and put on a straight face instead. "Tell me, human, do you like a challenge?"

"I know I would never cower down from one." I answer, raising an eyebrow.

She nods, a smug look on her face. "If that's so, then, I've got a challenge for you."

Daemon shoots her a disapproving look. "Lilith,"

"I'm listening," I say, ignoring Daemon's somewhat surprised expression.

"Good," Lilith smiles, pleased. "I challenge you..." She starts, tapping her chin with a perfectly-manicured finger. "To survive the Inner Circle of Hell."

"Lilith!" Daemon hisses at her before turning to me. "Feia, don't do this. The Inner Circle of Hell, it's... Absolutely perilous there. No demon's ever gone in there and survived. Hell, even I've never been there. And I sure as shit never want to see how it is, either."

"A-tut-tut!" Lilith presses a finger to Daemon's lips, silencing him. "That's for her to decide, Hot Stuff."

"Fine by me," I say, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Feia!" Daemon pushes Lilith's hand away from his face in frustration. For a brief moment Lilith seems livid, but she quickly regains her composure and shows no emotion whatsoever. "You don't even know what kinds of danger lies in that Satan-forsaken place."

"Kindly enlighten me, then."

Daemon lets out an exasperated sigh. "There are six levels in the Inner Circle of Hell. The first three or so are nothing compared to the last ones―and judging from the way you so mercilessly killed your sister the other night, it would easily be a walk in the park for you." Hearing this, Lilith turns to stare at me in disbelief with her judgmental, almond-shaped eyes. I straighten my posture, showing off my confidence, and glare at her right back. Bub, who's been surprisingly quiet this whole time, watches us give each other death stares in amusement and is muching on a bowl of assorted nuts.

Daemon must have seen the obvious tension between Lilith and I and clears his throat. "As I was saying, the first three levels are the easiest. The worst thing that can happen is you getting attacked by creatures such as Hellhounds and Abaddon's locusts. As you get closer and closer to the center of The Circle, however, the harder it would be for you to pass the levels. No one knows exactly what lies in the fourth circle, as no demon, surprisingly, has ever reached that far. But point is, My Sweet, it must be far more difficult to pass this level compared to the previous ones so you must be extremely cautious.

"I wish I knew what's in store for you in the fifth circle so that I can help you prepare, but sadly, as I've said before, none have passed the fourth and survived so the fifth remains a mystery.

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