I X - [ C H R I S T I A N A ]

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WARNING: This chapter contains blood, gore, and rather descriptive scenes. Read at your own risk.
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THE WHOLE DAY was spent with Daemon teaching me and telling stories about Hell; what the demons do, the rulers before him, the works. Daemon was going to teach me the demonic alphabet, but it turned out that they were already implanted in my memory, strangely enough, so that made things rather easier for me to remember spells and commands. Most of the training was boring, but it became slightly more interesting when he taught me about the spells I could cast—and cast I did.

The next session of training was physical. Caden lives up to his name as Hell's best man; nothing (and I mean nothing) gets past him, and though I try hard, I still wasn't able to assassinate him or even lay a single finger on him. Who would have thought, right? My best friend is a soldier from Hell.

Right now, I'm getting ready for a frat party.

Why, you ask?


It's because Lina is going to be at the same party.

Remember what Daemon said the first time I met him? He had wanted me to kill her in the most brutal way possible. It would be a walk in the Chasm; we're sisters and all, but we have a mutual feeling of hate towards each other.

I put on a pair of bright red stilettos and adjust the hem of the white bodycon I have on. I then walk towards the full-length mirror in my room, and grin evilly at my reflection.

What a beautiful outfit to commit murder in.

I grab a matching red clutch and walk down the stairs ever so confidently. My parents, thankfully, are helping out at church tonight like every other Saturdays—this makes it so much easier to get out of the house.

I grab my car keys, hop in the car and drive to campus, feeling adrenaline in every part of my body.


WHEN I ARRIVE at the frat house, Wasted by Tiësto is blaring from the speakers.

Swaying my hips to the music and blending in, I spot a group of guys around a table that I recognize as Lina's friends. I head over to the table, keeping in mind that I should seduce them all the way.

"Hey, guys," I say, touching one of the guys' arms lightly.

"Christie, hey!" The guy who I have my hands on—I think his name is Miller—exclaims. "Didn't expect to see you here."

I shrug in the most flirty way possible. "I figured I would give it a try."

"Hey, man, who's this?" A guy from the opposite side of the table asks.

Before Miller can speak up, I smile and introduce myself to the group. "I'm Christie."

"She's Lina's sister." Miller adds.

"Well hel-lo, Christie. I'm Theo." The guy from earlier smirks.

"Zach." A boy in a green plaid top says.

"Hayes. And this is Levi." One with dirty blonde hair gestures at the boy beside him.

"Great to meet you all," I smile shyly.

Get away from these pigs. A voice says in my mind.

Get away from my head, Daemon. I counter, ignoring how tempted I am to roll my eyes.

I will if you promise to stay away from these fuckers.

I take a deep breath. I have a plan. Do you want me to kill my sister or not? 'Cause I sure as shit do.

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