X X X I V - [ D A E M O N ]

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A L T E R N A T E  E N D I N G
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"WHY DID YOU call me here, My Lord?" Feia asks, sauntering in the room.

I get up as soon as I see her and clear my throat. "My Sweet... I'd like to propose an idea."

She looks at me oddly for a moment, perhaps trying to read my mind. I've blocked her from my head, though, so to say that I am surprised when she still manages to find out my plan is an understatement.

"Don't tell me you're going to confess your so-called love for me." She mumbles, and the two of us simply stare at each other for what seems like hours. Her eyes are filled with... Anxiety, maybe? And something else that I can't quite pinpoint. Mine, on the other hand, are only filled with shock and nervousness.

"I..." I begin, already at a loss for words.

"You don't love me." She says, eyes not meeting mine. "You're a demon, and Satan himself, no less; you can't possibly have fallen in love with me."

I get up and make my way towards her.

"That's not true, Feia. You and I both know that you've changed me completely and I wouldn't even wish for otherwise."

"You're Satan," She insists, whispering like she fears that someone can hear us. "It won't work."

"My Sweet," I say, tilting her chin up so that she is looking directly at me. "it doesn't have to be like this. We can just leave Hell once and for all. Think about it, Feia―we're both dead, but I can fix it. I just need you to agree to come with me."

Feia's gaze never falters. "And why would I do that, exactly?"

"Because you've taught me how to love, Feia. Me. The Devil. Satan." I rub her cheek with my thumb softly. "My father himself was never lucky enough to experience such a bittersweet feeling like this. All he did was screw a woman that had been devoted to him―my supposed mother―without feeling so much as pure, unadulterated lust. I don't want that, Feia, not anymore―if that was my objective, I could always turn to Lilith." I cringe momentarily, suddenly reminded of all the things I did with Lilith, and I feel like I've betrayed Feia somehow, even though I'd stopped almost all connections with her when Feia became my right hand. "Tell me, My Sweet, do you not want an us?"

"I..." She begins, her eyes softening as she contemplates her choices. I look at her expectantly, hoping that she has not let go of her feelings for me completely just yet.

"Feia..." I mutter, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Please."

She is silent for a while, contemplating. Knowing her, she's probably considering the pros and cons to being with Satan. In the end, however, she utters the two words that made my (nonexistent) heart stop, if that's even possible: I do.

"What?" I ask, trying to make sure that I hadn't misheard hear.

She playfully rolls her eyes, also not the type of person (or demon) to usually express her feelings herself. Then, all jokes, aside, she repeats what she said, only this time, slightly louder and seemingly more sincere.

"I do."

Why does it feel like she's agreeing to marry me?

"Alright," I smile at her, and I feel my expression soften at her words. "Come with me."

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