X I V - [ D A E M O N ]

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WHO KNEW that funerals are such a pain in the ass?

I mean, being a demon and all, we've never really had to visit others when they die; we just watch them turn to ash, and not shed a single tear over it since we're all heartless piece of shits.

But playing as Feia's boyfriend, I have to pretend to comfort her and look sad for two hours straight.

And then of course, there's the interrogation from none other than Feia's parents and best friend.

Humans are such nosy creatures—they always butt in each other's problems and businesses and expect to know the whole truth when it's none of their beeswax.

Why the hell did we have to associate with them, again?

Oh yeah.

For manifestation, possession, and power.

But now that I think about it, we demons are such thirsty creatures—not only for power, but for other aspects such as blood and lust as well.

So I suppose demons and humans can be equal somehow, since we are both aggravating and depraved in our own ways.

I am currently answering Feia's parents, trying to be as honest as possible though without revealing just who or what I am. Feia had introduced me as a 'friend', but I've got a feeling that her parents are going to have a long talk with her when they get home.

"So Rayner," Feia's father says, eyeing me up and down skeptically. "Where do you go to?"

Homeschool, I want to answer. I've got my own mentor who goes to my home every once in a while to teach me things about Hell dictatorship. "NYU, Sir." I try hard not to spit out the last word; never in my life have I ever called anyone else 'Sir'. I am accustomed to everyone calling me that, not vice versa.

"And, uh—how old did you say you were?"

Two hundred and thirty-four. "Twenty. I'll be twenty-one this October."

He is about to say something else when Feia's mother perks up beside him, the tears on her cheeks already starting to dry. "So how did you meet Christie?"

Oh, I kind of stalked your daughter ever since she was five like a creepy pedophile and appeared in your attic as you slept. Totally normal. "We met at a seminar a couple of weeks ago." I briefly look at Feia who has her arms crossed in front of her. "You know? The one for the community church?"

Mrs. Galron's eyes light up a little. "Really? That's terrific! Which church do you go to?"

I don't. "Saint Michael's."

"Oh, I've heard that's a good church." She nods in approval. "But what am I saying? All the places where God is worshipped are always good."

"That is very true, Ma'am."

"Well, Sweetheart," She turns to beam at Feia. "I like your new friend. He has morals, just like you. And Rayner," She gives me a grin that looks almost identical with Feia's very own. "We'd love to have you over for dinner sometime so that we can get to know you better."

Well if you must know, Ma'am, I am Satan and your daughter summoned me just a couple of days ago. That's right, Ma'am. Your daughter's a sinner. Does she still have her morals intact? Because I'm not too sure about that now. "Of course, I would like that very much." I force myself to smile at her when all I really want to do is roll my eyes at all this religious talk.

"Alright, then. We'll leave you two alone now. Come on, Caleb. Let's go thank the rest of the guests." She tugs at her husband's arm and the both of them disappears into the crowd of black-cladded people.

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