chapter 1: unpacking

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Róisín opened her suitcase and started unpacking; clothes? Check. Decorations? Check. Random card she'd never seen before? Check. Wait, what was that? Róisín picked up the card nervously and took it out of the beautifully written envelope , on the card was a perfectly hand drawn barn owl perched on the most elegantly drawn branch she had ever come across , automatically she knew who it was from . Inside the card, in the same elegant handwriting, it read "dear my beautiful girlfriend Róisín can't wait to see you at Uni in a few months, have fun, all the love in the world Bryn ".

At this point it should probably be explained that Róisín and Bryn had been dating mere months before she went to university. Róisín was now studying chemistry at one of the most prestigious universities in Britain, Chaliceton. It should also be explained that since she was welsh, she'd had to travel a great distance to get there. Bryn was transferring there next term to study biology.

Róisín set the card down on her bedside table beside the lamp and continued to unpack. All her clothes were systematically ordered in her wardrobe in most to least likely to wear order, all the shelves were drowned by a flood of textbooks and storage boxes, finally her precious cacti were placed right in the centre of her middle shelf. Once everything was unpacked and placed where she wanted them, she sat on her bed and breathed a small sigh of relief before making a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.

It was only then that she realised that her mother would be worried. She dug through five different storage boxes before finding the one containing her phone and dialled her mother's number, her mother was soon to pick up and almost simultaneous to her raising the phone to her ear, she heard an almost screamed hello. "My dear are you ok?  When did you get there? Are your cacti still alive? ..." her mother's ranting almost made her miss home but she knew deep down this is where she wanted to be. "mother, stop panicking I got here about twenty minutes ago, I am sorry I didn't call earlier and you will be relieved to know every single cactus has been checked for damage and only one or two have lost parts "she immediately heard her mother breathe a humongous sigh of relief as, if a single cactus had incurred major damage Róisín would not start off the term happy. Róisín and her mother exchanged a few reassuring amenities before she finally put the phone down on her mother and started to explore her dorm building.

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