Chapter 4 : The Party

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After two hours of studying, Róisín decided to take a break. She checked her phone and realised she had got a text from an unknown number "hey Rosie, it's john. There's a party at a bar downtown tonight fancy going? "How he got her number she didn't know, but a party did sound fun so she sent a text back "would love to, what time?". Róisín strolled over to her wardrobe and looked for an outfit that she considered appropriate for a bar party and finally settled upon a glittery black skater skirt and a plain black spaghetti strap top, now she only had to decide on shoes but before she even had a chance to look at what she had, she received a message from john " does eight sound good. P.S. do not wear heels; you'll sink in the mud outside". We'll john had just solved her shoe problem, "simple black flats it is then" she whispered to herself.

She had a whole hour to spend before she had to leave, she made a cuppa and sat down with her book "what's wrong with love?" she found this to be one of the most relaxing things to do before a night out . She must have been reading for ages as, fifty pages in, there was a knock at the door. "Come in" she shouted at the top of her lungs and john made his grand entrance. "Wow..." she whispered, as he walked in his plain white t-shirt and skinny jeans" ... sorry I got lost in my book, give me a minute to get changed" he gave her a nod of approval and she slipped into the bathroom to get changed. she did her eyeliner perfectly on the first attempt which was quite a feat for her as it usually took about five attempts to get it good enough . She did her lipstick and finally, fifteen minutes later, emerged from the bathroom. " you look stunning " was all he had to say except for " my lady , let's go to the ball " she linked arms with him , locked her door , put her keys and phone in her clutch and started walking down all three flights of stairs to his car .

Once they were in the parking garage, he led her to his car. He had a black Mercedes Benz"classy" she said. He walked around to the passenger door and, like a true gentleman, opened the door for her. Once she was sat down, he closed the door and got in the driver's seat. He started the car with an almighty roar and, like a bullet, drove out of the parking garage onto the main road. It was only a ten minute journey to the bar and when they got there it was crowded beyond belief. Yet again, like a gentleman, he opened her door for her. The second she left the car, she heard the loud thump of music coming from the bar. Like john had said the grass was soaked, her heels would definitely have sunk. Róisín hadn't taken him for the party animal that he was so she was surprised when he asked her if she wanted a drink. she shook her head since he wouldn't be able to hear her over the music, "I'll be back in a minute , I'm going to get a beer " she wandered around the bar until she found a good place to sit and waited for john to get back .

Before john got back, she was approached by a girl. "HI!!" the girl screamed "CAN I SIT DOWN" the music was so loud she barely managed to hear the girl, she nodded. "I'm donna" the girl said quietly since she was now in hearing distance. Róisín was happy to finally have some company since it appeared that john had abandoned her at the party. She decided it would probably be best to make pleasantries with Donna since she was alone so she asked Donna some basic questions like: where do you go to university? ; are you here with anyone? And do you want a drink. She replied Oxford to the first question and no to the second and third which was probably for the best as she looked extremely drunk already. Finally john got back and bailed her out of the awkward conversation with Donna that he thought was sure to ensue.

"do you want to dance?" john asked with an extended hand " I'd be honoured!" replied Róisín, curtsying like a lady, she took his extended arm and they moved onto the dance floor .the song changed to a Skrillex song she was sure she'd heard before and she tried her hardest to dance without looking like the drunken uncle at your family's Christmas party. Apparently she was doing quite well as john started mimicking what she was doing until they were moving in sync. this continued for about an hour until he got out of breath and requested they go home , to her this sounded like a brilliant idea so naturally she nodded and they walked back to his car .

Since it was clear to Róisín that he was more than a bit drunk, she told him she would drive. He stumbled into the passenger seat and attached his seatbelt. He handed her the keys and she put them in the ignition and the car roared into action, jolting her forwards in her seat "and that is why we wear seatbelts" she whispered to herself. After a mile she had just about got to grips with driving it. When she pulled up into the parking garage, john was fast asleep in his seat .she gently awoke him and dragged him into the lift, as she couldn't be bothered to drag him up three flights of stairs. She used his keys to unlock his door, tuck him into bed and finally get back to her own room. It was half past one in the morning by the time she got into bed and man she was relieved to be in there. She soon drifted into a peaceful sleep and woke up at ten thirty the next morning to a knock on her door.

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