Chapter 3 : Sunday

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When she awoke the next morning, she found a cold piece of toast attached to her cheek. Whilst she pondered how it got there, her phone began to vibrate. Róisín got up from her desk and wandered over to her bedside where she believed she had left her phone, it wasn't there. She listened for her phone but as if by magic, it stopped ringing. " god damn it " she whispered to herself , " one day into uni and I've already lost my phone... maybe if I call it from the payphone I can find it " the only problem was she didn't know her own number , so she began searching through her desk for the post-it note her mother had written it down on . One by one she routed through her drawers until they were all empty on the floor, still she hadn't found it. Eventually she looked up at her computer screen and sure enough there it was, attached to the very bottom of the screen. She removed the note from her computer, grabbed a handful of change and headed down to the school payphone.

Once she got there, there was a giant queue of at least twenty people waiting in line. Each person took at least ten minutes calling home, eventually she decided it wasn't worth the wait and retired back to her dorm room. Once she got back, there was someone sat outside her door. On closer inspection she realised it was john. " hey john , is there a reason you're sat outside my room ? " he immediately sat up upon hearing his name and an enigmatic smile spread across his face , even his dark hazel eyes were sparkling . " I came to borrow a cup of sugar " there was something about him that made this situation hilarious for her maybe it was that he seemed like the sort that takes his coffee bitter or maybe it was the way he said "sugar" but she couldn't resist the urge to let out a beastly grin. he stepped out the way to let her In and she pushed open the door " it was open you know" she said with a soft giggle in her voice and he swiftly replied with " yeah, I know, I kind of sussed that out when I leant on the handle and fell into your room " she couldn't suss out why he hadn't just taken the sugar and left but she went with the flow and let him in.

"the sugar is on the second shelf above the sink , third jar in " she sat back at her desk and returned the post-it to its place on her screen and waited to hear the door slam as john left the room but the door never slammed . " nice room you've got here , very geometric!" she couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not but she thanked him and asked him some random questions that came to mind " so , john, what are you studying ?" he was surprised , she could tell as his eyebrow was raised at a strange angle and he sat up slightly on her bed . "Well, Rosie, I'm studying maths and chemistry. what about you ?" she , almost too quickly ,responded by telling him that she also was studying chemistry and that maybe , if they were lucky , they might have class together . Róisín could tell he liked this idea. "Anyways I need to get some revision in just in case I'm unfortunate enough to not get class with you this year ". John got up and started wandering towards the door "by the way, I found your phone on the floor earlier. I've left it on your nightstand; see you 'round Rosie "and with that he shut the door.

She still didn't know how that slice of toast wound up attached to her face but at least she had her phone.

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