Chapter 6 : Where are they ?

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Once Róisín, john and Levi had got down to the lake, it was almost nightfall. As she gazed into the sunset, she realised she had been left behind. Róisín looked around for them but couldn't find them anywhere. She wandered towards the lake, booked a gondola and waited for the boys to arrive, eventually she spotted them. It appeared that they had had the same idea except they had got in the boat. She sat on the banking and waited for them to come back into dock. She waited and waited and waited for a full half hour until she got bored. Róisín had officially had enough, she text john that she was going back to her dorm room and she'd see him tomorrow.

Upon retiring to her dorm room, she sat on the windowsill grasping her phone in her hands. She browsed through her social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) until she was fully up to date with her friend's lives. Finally she went on Tumblr, where hours of peoples time goes to die. She stared at pictures of bowls of fruit until she suddenly had a strange hunger for cheese and onion crisps. Before turning her phone off, she checked the time, it was half past eleven. "Surely they're back by now" she mumbled to herself before wandering over to her kitchen to grab a packet of crisps. She stealthily snook out of her room to see if they were back. As Róisín approached the door, she could hear nothing, no snoring from john or murmur of conversation. Nothing. Pure silence. She was worried. Had they got back fine?

since she was scared of being spotted , she went back inside and locked her door .she was not very successful at getting to sleep that night , she had some very terrifying nightmares of john and Levi being hit by a car or being attacked by a pack of stray dogs . Overall she had many nightmares of the boys dying horrible deaths. Finally, at half three in the morning, she managed to get some proper sleep.

She awoke to light streaming in through the window at eight o'clock. She was tired, exhausted and overall felt pretty crap. Yet she found the energy to drag herself out of bed. She put on her furry slippers and half-heartedly walked over towards the kettle. She filled the kettle up to about halfway with water, reached up to the first shelf for the coffee and sugar and finally delved into the abyss of her fridge to find the milk. she poured the water till about halfway up her mug , added the coffee and stirred until it was completely dissolved then added one teaspoon of sugar yet again stirring until completely dissolved the finally she added the milk up to the brim of the mug . She padded softly back towards her desk where she placed the mug down to take in the amazing aroma of wake-up potion that was coffee.

It only took her five gulps to down her drink. She once again padded over to her kitchen, this time searching for food. At this point she was so hungry she would eat anything that was edible yet the idea of eating three leaves of basil, a single digestive biscuit and a raspberry did not seem very appealing. Róisín decided she would have to borrow some food from john and Levi. She was still worried about if they had got back last night, so she decided this would be the perfect opportunity to check on them.

As she arrived at their door, she noticed it was unlocked. She gently pushed it open, not wanting to wake them if they were asleep. Róisín popped her head around the door, looking for any shapes that resembled people. She found nothing so she crept inside. She walked to johns' side of the room and looked everywhere: under the bed, on the bed, beside the bed, on the windowsill. Nothing. She did the same for levis' side. Still, nothing. She was panicking so she ran back to her room to get her phone.

As soon as she entered the room, one thing hit her. Since when had the other bed been untidy? She turned on the big light to reveal what had just wasted a good 15 minutes of her time; john and Levi led across the other bed. She heaved a sigh of relief. How had she not seen them earlier? Thoughts raced through her head until she decided to wake john and ask him what had happened. She stumbled away from the door and in her mid-morning daze she tripped over a shoe and landed face down on the floor. Levi and john's heads came bouncing up to see what all the commotion was "morning!" cried Róisín to the others to which they replied "good morning Róisín!". They looked as shocked and confused as she did. there was alcohol present in both of them so Róisín didn't bother with details " I'll explain what I know so far ... after I came home last night, you must have gone out for a pint or some crap then you stumbled back here probably thinking this was your room and fell asleep" the boys looked at each other in the way you look at your mate when someone has said something outrageously dumb and stupid. Finally Levi spoke up "well you have got the majority of that wrong. We came back here after getting hammered as you were screaming in your sleep; john insisted we stay in case you started screaming again"

Róisín was surprised, she had only known john for a few days. He honestly cared about her. Wow, she thought, I must really have scared him. "Anyways, I'm out of food, if either of you want to do a big grocery shop this morning then feel free to tag along "Levi decided he would come in an hour. She promised them she would get the ingredients for her legendary hangover cure which they honestly looked like they needed right now.

Once they had gone, she delved into her wardrobe. She needed something casual but ok for out in public. Jeans, that was it jeans. Perfect now all she needed was the rest of the outfit. Plain tee or slogan tee, slogan tee "I bring my own theme music" was what the top read. Plain white trainers, leather jacket and a black beanie and her outfit was sorted. Her stomach growled, she needed to leave now!

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