The perfect roommate

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Some people say that living your own life, by your own rules is cool right?
My life sucks at the moment...and it's not going good for me...scratch that it's HORRIBLE for me, I'm having financial issues, crappy apartment, and a crazy roommate. Living the dream huh?
Oh! Forgot to introduce myself! My name is Amy Rose, I am 19 years old and I live in Station Square, in a old apartment building. Hey, what can I say? It's cheap rent. But enough about my home and living quarters and whatnot, I'm just gonna get straight to the point of this story yeah?
So, it all started in my apartment...I was busy eating some instant noodles and watching some TV, the normal routine for me, but then my roommate crashes in through the flipping ceiling and crashes into the couch, which launches me off the couch and slam into the ceiling.
"Ow!" I shouted as I fell back down on my butt, my roommate rolling off of the couch and sweatdropping. "Woops...sorry Amy, I was uh...skydiving..." She mumbled as she looked through the hole in the ceiling. "Yeah...sure...right....skydiving..." I grumbled as I walked into the kitchen and tried making some cupcakes.


The whole apartment blew up, and the apartment building fell down in a heap of rubble, with me and my roommate buried right under it...great way to start off.

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