chapter 1

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"Oikawa and I got together!" (Name)'s best friend squealed and jumped up and down in ecstasy. (Name) nodded and forced a smile. Iwaizumi glanced at her and frowned.

"That's great!" (Name) cheered and tried to grin. "At least they'll be happy," she muttered under her breath. She walked slowly back to classroom. Oikawa was graduating next year, and (Name) knew she should try to move on. Sure, she was only a year younger but she should stop depending on her friends. (Name) trudged on with the day.

She sighed and bitterly walked down the street. (Name) was heading home by herself. Oikawa usually walked with her today but he had some plans with his new girlfriend.

Suddenly, her face collided with something firm and she heard something drop. She shook her head and looked up. She found herself gazing into deep blue eyes. (Name) then looked down and saw that the stranger had dropped his bag.

"A-Ah, I am so terribly sorry!!" (Name) backed away and bowed ninety degrees. She quickly handed him his bag. The boy had short black hair, beautiful dark blue eyes, and he was quite tall. (Name) couldn't help but admit that he was attractive.

"It's fine," he grunted and turned away. (Name) had a surprised look on her face and her arm shot out to grab his sleeve.

"W-What's your name?" (Name) stuttered. "Maybe I can treat you to something since I so rudely crashed into you!" She had a pleading look in her eyes that made the boy unable to refuse.

"M-My name is Kageyama Tobio. What's yours?" He looked away with an almost undetectable blush.

"I'm (Surname) (Name)! Nice to meet you!" (Name) genuinely laughed, her mind taken off her social predicament. She felt comfortable with the tall male and dragged him to a cafe.

The cafe was cozy and quite cute. It was plain white with lacy pale pink decorations. There were classy tables and chairs and a waiter came to greet them.

"Hello, may I take your order?" The waiter asked. He winked at (Name) flirtatiously and she looked away, embarrassed. The waitor had brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Erm, can I have some milk?" Kageyama mumbled.

"O-Oh! I want a (Favorite Flavor) ice cream sundae!" (Name) chirped. The waiter nodded and walked back to the kitchen. (Name) smiled and turned to Kageyama.

"So Kageyama, what school do you go to?" (Name) asked. Her eyes lit up. "Oh! Aren't you the King of the Court!" She saw him grimace and she started to  panic. "I-I'm sorry! Do you have bad memories?!"

"No, it's ok I guess," he breathed out. "I go to Karasuno High."

"Oh! Do you know someone named Daichi?" (Name) asked excitedly. She smiled.

"Yeah, he's the captain. How do you know him?" Kageyama asked curiously.

"We used to play in the park together when we were kids," you sighed happily at the memory.

"Are you a third year?" Kageyama questioned you.

"Nah, I'm a second year. I'm guessing you're a first year?" She smiled. He flushed and nodded rapidly. The waiter appeared with their order and left.

"Kageyama, do you want some?" (Name) took the spoon out of her mouth. "It's really good!" She smiled happily.

"N-No thanks."

"Aw come on! You only got a glass of milk!" (Name) shoved a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth and he gulped down the cold treat. Kageyama could feel blood run to his cheeks. All he could think was, That was an indirect kiss. That was an indirect kiss.

(Name) giggled and finished up her sundae and slapped down some money.

"Well, Kageyama! We'll see each other again?" (Name) took both of his calloused hands in hers. "How about tomorrow? We'll meet here. Ok?"

"H-Hai," Kageyama nodded and glanced down at their hands. He felt a warm, fluttering feeling. (Name) grinned gleefully and embraced the male. He stuttered and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her petite body.

"See you next time."

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