chapter 4

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The (hair color) haired female hummed happily as she skipped to school, an unusual gesture for this specific girl. She stopped by a convenience store to grab a pork bun and (quite literally) tossed her money at the blonde cashier, whose cigarette flew out of his mouth. (Name) felt a new air of happiness around her and savored the warm pastry.

It was getting close to winter, the season that (Name) had mixed feelings for. She loathed the bulky and uncomfortable clothing she had to wear in an effort to keep warm but adored sitting on the couch, wrapped in warm blankets, waiting for snowflakes to come raining down.

She shivered as a breeze blew harshly at her. (Name) ran the rest of the way to school, slightly dreading her new social life.

Her happy aura dissipated, along with her will to bother to talk to anyone. Anybody who greet her, if any, were met with a grumpy 'tch'.

One may wonder, how does one switch from pleasant to irritable?

There is one reason, well, two to be exact. Oikawa Tooru and (Best Friend). Oikawa was innocently blabbering on and being Oikawa. On the other hand, (Best Friend) seemed like she was rubbing her relationship in (Name)'s face. Of course, she knew of (Name) and Oikawa's relationship: childhood friends and a one-sided crush. Friends tell each other everything, which may not be the greatest advantage if friends become enemies..
Sorry for the short chapter! Kinda like a filler, but it's like a stepping stone for the next part! I really appreciate your votes/hearts. I'm glad you all are enjoying this. I'm having fun writing this!

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